Our Texas friends Josh and Sarah made arrangements to travel with me to the San Blas islands a few months ago. But, life has a way of throwing in little surprises. The day before we were scheduled to leave, my friend Lisa (the ultimate traveler) decided to come with us. I love her sense of adventure.
The three of us took two flights to Panama city and caught our hotel shuttle to Riande Aeroporto where we were to stay the night. The Kuna only take clients into San Blas in the morning and we had missed the morning pickup when our flight arrived at 1400. The hotel is located in an industrial area right by the highway and did not look like much as we approached. But inside it was lovely! They had a great pool and restaurant. A life size chess set, huge connect four game, and lots of lounge areas. We were transported to another place! The rooms and lobby were very modern and clean. Very nice place.

Lisa, me, Sara, and Josh at hotel lobby.
We hopped in a cab to find a market, which was in a mall of course. Off to the MetroMall to find some supplies. The San Blas “markets” are small and have very limited products, so having a chance to go to a real grocery store is a treat. Josh captured the bumper sticker on our taxi cab which cracked us up!

Like the bumper sticker on our taxi?
After picking up a few basics we headed back to enjoy our hotel.
The next day we got up before dawn to meet our 4×4 vehicle which was to take us to Port Bosuken where we would catch our panga ride back to the boat.
We arrived a little early to our destination and waited by the car for our panga to arrive. Two other people joined us for the panga ride and off we went. It is a lot more fun to make this journey with friends!

Waiting for our panga driver (top & middle) and on panga ride (bottom)
Sugar Shack was located in the Eastern Lemon Cays at Yansaladup. Very few boats anchor here as it is surrounded by coral and reefs.
Matt had the ginormous Texas flag flying, making Sugar Shack easy to spot, a birthday sign-up in the cockpit, and had made up both rooms for our guests. We went to shore, after our friends got settled into their cabins.

Yansaladup and Lisa doing her best Leo impression.

Enjoying some island time.

First island stop in San Blas-Yansaladup
We bought some beer and goofed off a bit on this beautiful little island. They had a pet pig (who was a bit on the skinny side) and 3 rescued baby turtles. They planned on releasing the baby turtles once they were strong enough.

Goofing around on Yansaladup
After we had our fun on this deserted island, we headed back to the boat. Everyone enjoyed some water time as I baked some cookies. No swimming for me with stitches and a new tattoo.

Enjoying sundowners in the water.
Our friends on “Element” came over for a sundowner and met our Texas friends. They invited all of us over for pancake breakfast the next day. Matt made some scrumptious pork chops for dinner as we settled in for the night.