Tag Archives: women who sail

Two-Palm Island Picnic

Ustupu to Mono Island

We got up fairly early as we wanted to make a stop at Ustupu on the way to Mono Island AND we had to pull up the second anchor. It took us an hour to pull up the second anchor. It is useful to have two anchors and gives you peace of mind when you use, it, but it can be a pain in the A$$ setting it and pulling it up. We had a muddy bottom, so we turned on the wash down pump to wash off the secondary anchor and our main anchor chain before it went into the locker. It was a slow process purging the mud from the chain, but worth the effort. Almost 2 hours later we were on our way.

Ustupu is the most populated community in Guna Yala. As we neared the village we encountered a tremendous amount of trash in the water, shoes, bottles, bags, etc… Perplexed, we anchored in the little bay across from the police station where locals were loading two large boats were loading trash. Maybe pieces were coming from there?

Image of Ustupu as we come into the bay.

Image of Ustupu as we come into the bay.

Ustupu from the bay.

Ustupu from the bay.

Just across the bay is a sacred islet where they have buried the great Nele Kantule, a very important spiritualist.  He lived from 1868-1944 and was a famous chief and medicine man of the Kuna indigenous tribe of Panama and Columbia.

Nele Kantule, medicine man

Nele Kantule, medicine man

Nele Kantule Burial Site on a private island

Nele Kantule Burial Site on a private island

We were certainly a curiosity for the locals as many dug outs came close to Sugar Shack to say “hola.” Matt made an excellent migas style breakfast and we scampered ashore. We had high hopes of finding somewhere to dump our trash, but until we were certain they had a way to dispose of it we left it on the boat. Ashore, everyone was equally welcoming, very friendly, and a few shook our hands.

The two-story building found as you approach the island is the official administrative building of Ustupu which houseschief’s secretary, Panamanian police, and administrative offices. Evidently, there is a fairly busy airport and a few shops/huts selling local wares.

Official administrative building of Ustupu.

Official administrative building of Ustupu.

A monument was constructed honoring Nele Kantule on Ustup.

Nele Kantule monument on Ustupu

Nele Kantule monument on Ustupu

We passed by several restaurants, a few stores, a church, school, and many communities of huts.

Nice road on Ustupu, Bridge connecting villates, Xmas tree made out of plastic bottles, dugout, church

Nice road on Ustupu, Bridge connecting villates, Xmas tree made out of plastic bottles, dugout, church

After a quick exploration, we headed back to the boat. It was clear they don’t get many visitors and we stuck out like a sore thumb. Some children anticipated our next turn and met us on the road which was fun.

Unfortunately, we witnessed several Gunas dumping their trash directly into the ocean. They boys had to shuffle me along as I gasped in horror. I know I don’t understand their culture or traditions and I need to learn that it is not my place to judge. Thank goodness, we did not bring our trash to shore.

Mono island is a mangrove line bay, quiet and protected. As we approached this little island, we saw for the first time on this trip, another cruising boat through the inlet. That’s ok, this bay is big enough for the two of us. Matt at the helm, was watching our chart and depth gauge, while Wayne and I were at the bow watching for shallow spots and coral heads. We maneuvered around a few tricky spots and found a place to anchor away from our neighbors.

Mono Island, I did not have an image from this island so this is from the Bauhaus book.

Mono Island, I did not have an image from this island so this is from the Bauhaus book.

After we got situated, we packed a picnic, hopped into the dinghy and headed over to what we affectionately called “Two Palm Island.” Its real name is Sutedup and it is about a mile away from Mono Island.

Sutedup island which we renamed, 2-Pam island.

Sutedup island which we renamed, 2-Pam island.

The island looked picturesque and we were soon giddy with excitement to have a picnic on our new private island. We pulled Sweetie up on shore and were faced with a lot of trash. It was heartbreaking to see this small piece of paradise covered in plastic bottles, shoes, and debris.

Noooooo...trash filled Sutedup island.

Noooooo…trash filled Sutedup island.

Matt proclaimed this “the island of the wayward flip-flops.”  Yet, we only collected shoes from half of the island – so sad.

Shoes collected from half of the island.

Shoes collected from half of the island.

Determined to make the best of it, we cleared a spot, put out our towel, turned on the music and opened a bottle of rose!

My boys!

My boys!

Yep, Wayne is having a good time.

Yep, Wayne is having a good time.

Rose on our own private island - does it get any better?

Rose on our own private island – does it get any better?

Beer holder - local style

Beer holder – local style

You can choose to look past the trash and see the beauty in anything:

View without the trash.

View without the trash.

As the sun was setting, we hopped back in Sweetie and headed to the boat for some dinner. We didn’t go ashore on Mono Island, but we read it has footpaths that can be explored between the mangroves.

Picture of Sugar Shack, a bit over exposed and far away, but cool none the less.

Picture of Sugar Shack, a bit over exposed and far away, but cool none the less.

Heading to Puerto Velero.

Puerto Velero to Puerto Obaldia

The weather forecast estimated between 1.6 and 2 travel days which gave us a huge window to guess our arrival. Puerto Obaldia is not a good anchorage and should only be used as a day stop. We wanted to arrive Puerto Obaldia in the morning so we could clear in and head to another anchorage for the night.

First thing in the morning we decided to replace our wind vang which had lost its cups during the previous night’s storm and was not working properly. So, we hoisted Matt up our 70’ mast to replace it with a new wind vang. Now we could see the wind speed and direction. What a novel idea for a sail boat!

As we were leaving the channel, we were chased down by the Armada National. They instructed us to follow them back into the bay where they could board our boat out of the swell. Great, we headed back into the bay, put out our fenders, and got our documents out. Technically, we should have had the yellow flag up and called this a boat repair stop or safety stop. The Spanish/English language gap made it a little exciting. Matt showed them our broken wind vang and pointed up the mast. The guard obviously wasn’t a friend of heights and returned a wide-eyed gaze and asked if Matt had gone up there. They searched our boat, checked our paperwork, called into their boss and informed them we had a boat repair – an hour later we were on our way.

As we left the bay for the second time, the wind dropped down to 6-8 knots and the waves were less than 1 meter. Looks like a motor day.

As we were passing Cartagena, the AIS goes off stating that “Sugar Shack needs to notify Cartagena Port Authority when entering or leaving Cartagena.” We were not going there, tried to call on VHF, got no response, gave up.  Then 45 minutes later another message appears on AIS. We called again on VHF, think we heard them tell us to change to a different channel and did. However, the channel was already occupied and conversation was already in progress. Matt tried to explain, in broken Spanish, that we were heading to Panama, not to Cartagena. We waited on VHF 16, got nothing and continued on.

We switched off sitting at the helm randomly until about 1800 when we set 3-hour shifts. I took the first shift 6p-9p followed by Matt, then Wayne. As you know, almost everything happens between 2am and 3am which happened to be just as I was coming on my 2nd shift. A nasty storm was brewing on the radar right in front of us. We got our foul weather gear out, put the eye brow down and prepared for some wind and rain. But as it turned out, the storm parted right down the center and we motored right on through it with only a few sprinkles – not even enough to wash the boat.

Storm parted to let us through with just a few drops of rain.

Storm parted to let us through with just a few drops of rain.

What the storm did bring was a huge wind shift-180 degree. Instead of being a broad reach it was now right on our nose which made it impossible to sail! It didn’t really matter as the winds were still too low to raise the canvas so we continued on motoring. We attempted to fly the jib periodically, but it never filled for very long.

DAY 1 Puerto Velero to Puerto Obaldia
• Total Daily Miles: 142
• Max Speed: 10.9
• Avg Speed: 5.9
• Hours Moving: 24
• Wind Avg: 5-7 knots
• Wing Angle: Broad Reach to Run then shifted to nose
• Wave Height Avg: > 1


I love the dawn shift as the moon sets and the sun rises. It is such a great reflection time.

Pretty sunrise on journey.

Pretty sunrise on journey.

Somewhere during late morning, we received a hitch hiker. Not sure if it was a huge moth or a butterfly, but it flew right into our cabin and perched on our shelf. I gently tried to scoot it out the cabin door, but it ended up flying out the front hatch, around the cabin and back in through the cabin door! What. So, I tried again and this time it flew down into the office. I opened the small hatch in the office and gently nudged it out the window – again only for it to fly right back into the cabin. Well, clearly, she needs to rest from her long journey so we will let her be for now.


Large moth or butterfly?

Large moth or butterfly?

Several hours later, Matt urged the butterfly to leave (not so gently) and she repeated the same process, out a window and back in. Finally, we got smart and closed the main cabin doors and shooed her out but not before she tried to get back in several more times. As she left, a huge moth arrived and perched on the sail bag. This did not seem to bother us as much as she was outside and up high. She stayed with us until the next morning.

We raised the main and attempted to fly the jib, even though the wind was still on our nose. Mostly to no advantage.

Give us wind please.....

Give us wind please…..

We alternate between sleeping, eating, or reading, while not on shift.  Anything to pass the time.

Passing the time on a passage.

Passing the time on a passage.

The wind did pick up, but it stayed on our nose which did not help us get there any sooner.

Good wind, but right on the nose.

Good wind, but right on the nose.

Watching the time of arrival on the GPS can be an emotional rollercoaster. One minute it says you will arrive in daylight and the next minute it says you’ll have to bob around in circles for 12 hours till the sun comes up. We soon realized that we were not going to arrive Puerto Obeldia in the day light so we changed course and headed to another bay that had better anchoring, Puerto Carreto. We arrived just as the sun was setting, dropped our anchor and sat down when we noticed a small hand carved dugout coming our way. The welcome committee stopped by to say “hello” and welcome us to Panama. He handed us his line, and promptly jumped on the sugar scoop (whoa).  We both tried to communicate in our broken Spanish as he was a very nice Kuna Indian.

Puerto Carreto has a very small, primitive, ultra-traditional village in the northern corner of the bay.  Television, filming, and photography are banned.  Visitors are expected to leave the shore before dark, even though the villagers  are very friendly. Since we did not have documents to go ashore, we stayed on the boat.

In retrospect, we should have left Puetero Velero much later in the afternoon to try to arrive Puerto Obaldia in the morning – but hindsight is 20/20. Luckily, we were able to change course in time to arrive during the day light to another safe anchorage.  Had we waited until later in the day to change course we would not have been so lucky.  Puerto Obaldia will have to wait one more day for us.

• Total Daily Miles: 57
• Max Speed: 10.9 (from yesterday morning)
• Avg Speed: 6.1
• Hours Moving: 9
• Wind Avg: 15
• Wing Angle: Nose
• Wave Height Avg: >1 meter

Land a ho! Puerto Velero.

Land a ho! Puerto Velero.

Puerto Velero.

Puerto Velero.

See our next blog post to continue our voyage to Puerto Obaldia.

Sunset Marina Santa Mart

Comedy of Errors and Total Disaster

Comedy of Errors.  Even the best made plans can turn into a comedy of errors. Our good friend, Wayne was coming to visit us (he is not the error). So we scheduled an English-speaking taxi driver to pick him up (with a sign and everything). He flew on American Airlines from Dallas to Bogota and then Avianca Airlines from Bogota to Santa Marta.

After Wayne landed in Bogota he alerted us that his next flight would be late (10p vs 830p). When we notified the taxi driver she offered to pick us up and bring us to the airport at no extra charge – a great surprise! We loaded a small cooler with beer and met the taxi driver at 915p giving us plenty of time to get to the airport.

We arrived early, confirmed at the counter that his flight had left, and went upstairs to the café to watch the screens for his flight’s arrival. The eateries closed, another flight arrived, but it wasn’t Wayne’s flight. It’s getting later and later. We decided to head to the arrival area, despite the fact that the screen still showed his plane in route. We asked the airport personnel and they said his flight had come in before the flight unloading now. Yikes we missed him! Our error as we should have just waited at arrivals outside.  We rushed back to the marina. Luckily, Wayne was able to get another English-speaking driver to take him to the marina and accepted U.S. dollars (both unusually rare). He had been waiting about 5-10 minutes by the time we arrived with beer in hand. Welcome to Colombia!

The next day, Matt got up early to get a much-needed haircut and swung by the bakery for morning treat.

We decided to show Wayne around town while finishing up last minute provisioning. First stop was the Mercado Publico to show off the fresh fish, meat, veggie, and fruit markets.

We picked up lots of fresh fruits and veggies, then stopped by the gas station to pick up two-stroke for the dinghy. Next, we picked up rolls at the bakery on the way to Exito, the large supermarket. We each had several bags full of items with no receipts (considering we bought them from street vendors).


As you enter Exito, the security guard searches your bags and tries to staple them closed, which works on plastic bags but not our cloth bags. So, I had this brilliant idea, to use Google Translate on my phone to look up “can we leave our bags at the security desk?” I asked, he said “no” so the boys jockeyed through the crowd to find an empty place out of the way. I set my bags, phone, and wallet down with the boys to go get a cart. Somewhere, somehow, my wallet and phone walked off – gone! Poof! Disaster!

The boys went searching, back tracking our steps, checking garbage cans looking everywhere while I sobbed and tried to explain, in Spanish what happened. We checked the security cameras, nothing. I was a mess, heartbroken, and so disappointed. My wallet had my driver’s license, $300, my atm card, credit card, and photo copies of all 3 of our passports. Matt and Wayne took me begrudgingly back to the boat where we cancelled the two cards and filed for a new driver’s license. We could not use “find my phone” as the phone was in airplane mode. I can only hope that it was a petty thief who saw an opportunity to give their family a better Christmas. Using the money, selling the phone (which was locked) and not stealing my digital footprint or identity. One can pray.

I was in a funk despite the boys’ effort to cheer me up. We went to happy hour where I sulked and then went to El Bistro one of our favorite places to eat. Matt even bought me a new wallet and two cute bracelets’ (all of $8) and my head still hung low.

We did manage to dig up an old iPhone5 which we tried to replicate as much as possible. The problem being we were leaving a wifi zone for a non wifi zone and anything I needed to update had to happen that night – we did our best.

Time heals all wounds and this one particularly stung!

Sunset Marina Santa Mart

Sunset Marina Santa Marta