Another 24 hours, another 72 liters (19 gallons) of diesel consumed.
It is what it is.. probably did the math another 24 times, and I believe we could continue running the engine at 1800 rpm and still have some fumes in the tanks. Course then why buy a sailboat? Chould have bought a trawler and just motored everywhere. For this passage we wanted an easy passage, wet got it so far. We have have had zero drama, so far. Touch wood.
However, It’s freaking HOT when there is very little wind and it’s 36c. (93F) I feel like we have lost touch with Austin, Texas summers where there would be nearly 100 consecutive days over 40c (100F) .. and still went bike riding. Riding to the pubs but still.
It’s so hot you can just cook on the deck.. so we did!

Instead of adding to the “holy hotness” that is the kitchen, er galley – broke out he solar oven and baked up some fresh bread courtesy of Mr Fireball in the sky. Turned out quite nice, and the kitchen was no hotter than before..
The MOON.. the friggin moon is full of brightness.

Passages are always a planning game, weather, visa, schedules, etc. Being able to include the full moon on a passage is special. The moon lights the way, helps spot ominous looking clouds, and for those prone to seasickness helps keep the horizon level. We have been ahead of most of the clouds and squalls so far, there is some stuff building as we get close to the finish line. No worries, Mr moon should still be there with us. Tho seems like his is sleeping in later and later.
Speaking of where we are, we have between 4 and 6 days left, or another 120 hours if you are keeping track in hours. I used to use day x of passage but then by day 3 I’d forget if I stared day 1 on the day we left or the first complete day of passage, so trying hours this time. There is a little guy on the navigation station that keeps track of hours, so far he is doing a good job.
We have 699 miles to go, so sometime tomorrow will be 1/2 way. The next milestone is the equator, it’s about 270 miles till the toilets start flushing the other way around.
With any luck, we will make some decent time this evening. The wind came up just at dark, meaning its 6knots of breeze. The sails were raised and hopefully they will keep us going through the night and make the journey a little better quicker than under diesel power. Or at least for a little bit.
Just a few nibbles from the chicken of sea, even sailed through a school that were jumping all about. :(. I think Mr Marlin must have actually warned his friends or left that Yelp review.
Butter chicken with fresh baked bread for dinner.