Tag Archives: sister

Road trip to America: California Part II

It’s family time!  I love visiting California as I get to see my beautiful sister, family, and friends!  A trip to America is not a trip without stopping in Southern California.  And she was showing off its beauty with gorgeous sunny days and clear skies. But it was chilly coming in at 12-14 C!  We also had some amazing sunsets.

This is the Hermosa Beach pier and boardwalk or strand.

Cameron was home from Colorado University and he had a collegiate volleyball tournament where they made it to the Gold bracket but ended up losing to the team who won the entire tournament!   It was a nail biting, yet truly exciting weekend!

I was blessed to be able to visit with several friends during my stay.  This is my good friend Deborah.  She used to work with Matt many, many moons ago and now I’ve stolen her from him.

My dear friend Ed whom I’ve know for over 30 years!   The top right photo is a statue near the Manhattan Beach pier and the lower photo is a view from my sister’s house toward Hermosa beach.

Squeezed in a few more friends.  Paul (aka Wild Man) is top center), Troy and Paul (top left), Deborah and I, middle, Gian Marco, Jennifer, and Mateo (bottom photos).

Kimberly managed to get sick, then shared it with me so we ended up spending almost 9 days inside recovering.  The day before I left we made it out for a little sister time.

I even had a chance to visit with my family even though I was not feeling great.  Easter Sunday service then brunch at the Cheesecake Factory with my aunt Diana, uncle Mark and uncle Matthew.

And breakfast with my uncle Joe and my dad’s wife Kelly.

Kimberly and I enjoying some Gelato before I left.  It was such a disappointment to be so sick for so long, but at least I got to be home with my sister.

Our blog posts run 10-12 weeks behind actual live events.  This blog post occurred during mid-March to mid-April 2024.  Did you catch Part I of Road trip to America: Texas?