After our guests left, I flew back to the States to be with my family. We had a family emergency that I needed to attend to before crossing the Pacific. Matt stayed on-board and managed to complete a lot of boat projects, welcome our new guests, and cook up some crustations.
While I was away, our two friends, Ron and Sally joined Sugar Shack. We asked them to join us as additional crew on our upcoming passage to Chile. Matt was the perfect host and tour guide. He showed them around Santa Cruz and San Cristobal and took them to all the hot spots.
Sally met some crustations at the fish market and picked out a few favorites for dinner

Sally picking out dinner: crustations
Ron had fun with all of the Charles Darwin images around the island – remarkable resemblance, don’t you think?

Ron posing next to Chuck
Once I arrived, we unloaded my two enormous bags of goodies. Always a bit like Christmas which is especially fitting since it is so close to Santa coming. We only have a few more days before we have to leave as Ron and Sally need to be in Chile by 3rd of January.

Christmas on San Cristobal
Unfortunately, a few, large sea lions made it past our fender barrier and on to the boat. Normally, it would be “oh look how cute the sea lions want to come with us.” But when you come back to this, you just want to scream and pull your hair out. Yes, that is poop an dirt all over the cushions, floor, and side walls.

Presents from the Sea Wolves: POOP
Matt and Ron checked out the video from our security camera. Evidently, two sea lions rolled around every seat cushion before leaving us some early presents.
We go on a dive tour with Islanders Galapagos and swim with sharks!