This anchorage is so beautiful that we decided to stay an additional day before moving onward. Matt and I would probably stay here for a week or more, but we need to get Wayne back to the Eastern Lemon Cays to catch his flight back to the states. Cruising allows us to stay or leave on a whim.
We enjoyed a lazy morning, with Matt working on a few small projects. By mid-afternoon we were hot, so Matt and I hopped on the SUPs and wandered around the reef. We saw our spotted ray again and another sting ray. Much different perspective from above water than in the water, but breathtaking none the less. Matt is so much better SUPing than I am, but I did my best to keep up with him while on my knees. He dutifully stood the entire way and didn’t get his toes wet. Good exercise! Afterward, I hopped into the water with the hopes of seeing more rays, but I got side tracked with the huge sand dollars.

More sea treasures – check out this huge sand dollar.
Wayne decided he wanted more sugar cookies, so I baked up a batch of ducks, fish, hearts and stars. I love to bake and having guests gives me a good excuse. We have already gone through a batch of brownies, one batch of sugar cookies, and half a batch of chocolate chip cookies.
Nice pulled pork pizza for dinner, and out to the bow with a drink, our bean bags and the sunset.

Matt and Wayne enjoying sun downers on the lido deck.
Cruising allows you to change your neighbors and your view at a moments notice:

Morning sun coming in through a starboard hatch.
Cruising gives you access to countless sunsets that take your breath away:

Beautiful sunset.