Tag Archives: rmi

Passage: Vanuatu to Marshall Islands

We are on the move!  On this passage, we left Vanuatu after spending 3.5 months cruising through most of their beautiful islands.

This time, our passage will take us 1300nm from Sola, Vanua Lava, Vanuatu to Majuro, Marshall Islands (RMI).  It will take us approximately 10-12 days to make this trip.

Our previously scheduled blog posts have been suspended so that Matt can “live blog” while we are underway.  The previously scheduled blog posts will resume on 1 October, 2024.

Please be sure to follow our journey and send us emails or texts of encouragement.  However, we do have to pay for our internet so please do not send any photos or attachments until we arrive in Majuro. You can click here for other passage tracking.

Current Location

We have thoroughly enjoyed our time in Vanuatu.  Our highlights have been:

  • Hiking to an active Volcano
  • Swimming with Dugongs
  • Participating in Naghol, Land Diving & the Grade Taking Ceremony
  • Swimming in several blue holes
  • Water Music
  • The Millennium Cave Trek

We look forward to adventuring in the Republic of Marshall islands (RMI) which are primarily atolls (similar to the Tuamotus).  We will spend the cyclone season (October 2024 – April 2025) adventuring through the Marshalls and we hope you come along with us.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram at svSugar Shack (make sure you add the “sv”).

Thank you for following along on our journey.

Matt and Christine