Tag Archives: ghost town

Castle Bravo Hydrogen Bomb

Rongelap and the Ghost Town

Rongelap is a fairly large atoll with 61 islets and a lagoon that is 1,000 sq. miles.  It is a beautiful atoll with crystal clear turquoise waters.  However, despite its beauty it has a rather sad history and a historic ghost town on the main island of Rongelap.

Rongelap Atoll is technically “uninhabited.” However, three caretakers stay 4 months at a time to do minor work in the village on the island of Rongelap.  After four months they are replaced by other caretakers.  The caretakers are tested for radioactivity before they leave and after they return.  All have exhibited small amounts of radiation.  Yet, they return year after year.

3 Caretakers at Rongelap during our visit

3 Caretakers at Rongelap during our visit

The caretakers live in three small containers that are formed in a “U” shape.  This despite the fact that there are 50 new homes that sit unused.  These workers have use of a truck, a small van, and a work boat.  The boats in the photos below were U.S. Army boats and sit unused.

They showed us their food supplies and remarkably they were well stocked.  But then again, they just loaded up when they arrived about a month ago (they still have 3-4 months to eat it all).

Rongelap’s History

So, what’s the deal and why is there a fairly new, unused town rotting away?  For the answer to this question, you need to understand the history of this atoll.

The Germans claimed Rongelap (and the rest of the Marshall Islands) in 1885. Then Japan claimed it after WWI, and then they came under the U.S. control after WWII.

On March 1, 1954 the U.S. detonated 15-megton hydrogen bomb called Castle Bravo at the Bikini atoll.  The government was “unaware” of the fallout to neighboring downwind islands such as Rongelap where hundreds of people resided. No warning was given to the Rongelap residents and a snowstorm of radioactivity exposed the unsuspecting islanders to a near lethal dose of radiation.  The result was Rongelap residents received a high sub-lethal dose of gamma radiation, extensive beta burns of the skin, and significant internal absorption of fission products. This causing several types of cancer, jellyfish babies, vomiting, diarrhea, skin burns, and hair loss.

My question is how could the U.S. government think that neighboring islands would not be effected when they are less than 80 miles away and downwind from the explosion?

Castle Bravo Hydrogen Bomb

Castle Bravo Hydrogen Bomb

The Timeline:

March 3, 1954: US evacuates Rongelap inhabitants to Kwajalein Atoll.  Two days after the explosion.

1957: Atomic Energy Commission declares Rongelap safe for re-habitation. US scientists note: “The habitation of these people on the island will afford most valuable ecological radiation data on human beings.”  The ugly truth revealed that there was no vegetation or animal life.  Locals survive off of the land, chickens, breadfruit, coconuts, pandanus, fishing.

The residents complain for years of health issues and beg the RMI and U.S. government to relocate them.  The U.S. government refused to relocate them. 

1985: The Rainbow Warrior ship (through Greenpeace) makes three trips to evacuate the Rongelap community to Kwajalein Atoll.  It took 10 days to move over 350 people (including 80 year old locals and newborns) and 100 tons of building material.  Joblessness, suicide, and overcrowding have become problems for the Rongelap residents who settled on Kwajalein.

1986: Nuclear test compensation approved, setting aside a $US150 million trust fund.

1996 U.S. paid an additional $45 million resettlement fee. Phase I resettlement program was initiated in 1998. Scientists from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory developed individual radiation protection monitoring programs for resettlement workers. The scientists also verified the effectiveness of cleanup measures.

U.S. Government (2005 and 2012) feels it has adequately compensated victims and denies further payment.  

The Start of the Ghost Town

2011: The U.S. visited Rongelap to investigate resettlement options.

2012: The U.S. funds construction which begins on 50 new homes, a pier, massive generators, fuel tanks, and a water treatment plant. The workers complete the power plant, water-making equipment, paved roads, airport, and 50 homes.

Workers treated land where homes and community facilities were located, following advice from the U.S. government.  They also scraped off the top 15 inches of top soil and replaced it crushed coral and rocks. Additionally, crop growing areas were doused with potassium fertilizer to block uptake of radioactive cesium-137 by the roots.

The officials had plans to build a medical clinic, school, and more village settlements.  However, they were never executed.

A few years later, Japan funded the construction of a small 4-bungalow resort.  The Japanese built the main facility with a bar/restaurant and the 4 bungalows. But it never opened.

The Ghost Town

These homes are some of the most beautiful homes we’ve seen in the Marshall Islands. I’d say more than 70% of the population live in shacks compared to these well-made homes with solid roofs.  They are all equipped with water tanks and window mounted AC units.

There each have 3 bedrooms, with granite counter tops, and stainless sinks. Some houses still have the window/door stickers, some still have the tyvek vapor barrier exposed.  Most homes have vegetation encroaching on them and gutters falling off.  They are going into disrepair without ever having inhabitants.

The Rongelap Beach Resort

The Japanese funded the construction of the Rongelap Beach Resort in 10-12 year ago.  They built the main building with a restaurant, bar, and outdoor seating. They also built 4 bungalows with kitchenettes, decks, and hot water tanks.  Once new and beautiful, now decrepit. Never occupied.

Some of the bungalows had bed frames, dresser, and even shower curtains….yet they sit empty and rotting.

More Unused Facilities

The U.S. built this beautiful, open-air airport with bathrooms, luggage storage area, check in desk, and waiting area.  But no planes come and this facility sits unused.

Local residents built this lovely little church in the 1970s.  So, it sits rotting away and slowly disintegrating. 

We found one of the original cemeteries for children.  After the bomb went off the women were giving birth to “jellyfish” babies who subsequently died.

Rotting Equipment

Workers left a lot of construction equipment to just rot.  

Workers dug out giant trenches in the coral and used it in the construction of the ghost town.  I took a photo at low tide (top) and at mid-tide (bottom).

The Problems

There are 4 main problems:

The U.S. claims Rongelap is ready for inhabitants to return.  However, Rongelap residents are afraid of the poison in the land and now flowing through the vegetation and wildlife.  They do not want to move back.  Seems to me the U.S. should have determined if anyone wanted to move back before building the village and spending hundreds of millions of dollars.

Several agencies have conducted various tests on the main island of Rongelap. However, nobody has tested any of the other 61 islands in the atoll.

The Rongelap irooj (owner/chief) receives a stipend for each displaced resident.  If any of the residents move back that money will go away.  Rumors are that the irooj is “encouraging” the Rongelap residents to remain in Majuro and Kwajalein. This is despite the residents desire to return to their home atoll.

Residents would need to be import their food by boat or plane.  With Rongelap being almost 400 miles away from Majuro it makes it difficult for the limited supply ships to visit. In addition, the local airline, Air Marshall Islands (owned by the Marshallese government) refuses to add Rongelap to its routes.


Our blog posts run 8-10 weeks behind actual live events.  We were in Rongelap in mid-January 2025. Don’t miss our last blog post on the beautiful atoll of Rongerik.

French Navy as our neighbors

Makemo has a Haunting Surprise

We are slowly making our way northeast across the Tuamotus to give us a better heading toward the Marquesas.  We planned on being in the Marquesas for cyclone season and to participate in the large festival being held in Ua Poa.  Our last atoll in the Tuamotus is Makemo which is sort of in the middle of the Tuamotus chain of atolls.

Passage from Tahanea to Makemo

We pulled the hook around noon hoping to arrive at the pass during slack tide of 1600. The winds picked up and gave us a decent sail from the “C” anchorage toward the pass.  The lagoon is really large, but you have to be vigilant about looking for bommies as you sail across it.  Somehow, we managed to arrive at the pass right at 1600 as our friends on Maple were exiting. 

We both made it out of the pass safely.  This was the first pass that we actually sailed through and we were feeling pretty good about ourselves.  We did have the engines running, but not in gear, just in case. 

They had a 45-minute head start on us but it did not take us long to catch up.  We had our full main and a single reef in the jib.  They had two reefs in their main and a reefed jib.  We had a lot more canvas out.  Which means we were going faster but we would have to make a decision in the middle of the night.  We would either have to slow the boat way down and heave to at the pass waiting for slack tide.  Or we could continue on to the East pass another 45nm.

"C" Anchorage at Makemo

“C” Anchorage at Makemo

Super-fast sail

We decided to slow the boat down by “pinching” to the wind.  What does that mean?  We pointed the boat super close to the wind at about 17 degrees.  One side can pinch to 26 and the other pinches to about 38.  Both of these numbers are really, really good and cannot be maintained by most boats.  However, with us pinching at 17 it slowed the boat down to 2-3kts from 6-7kts.  We arrived at the pass around 0300 and hove to drifting at 1kt while waiting for sunrise (0500) and slack tide.

Maple showed up just as we were heading toward the pass.  Their sail configuration got them there in perfect time.  Our sail configuration was more fun :).   We decided to circle once to see if the outgoing tide would slow or change directions, but it didn’t.  Maple took the plunge first.  Then, we followed suit.  We both had lots of outgoing current 3-3.5 kts pushing us sideways.  Afterwards, we both agreed it was one of the scariest passes we’ve been through.  I grabbed my camera for one shot of the instrument display showing a 3 kt current.  Top is SOG or speed over ground of 2.7 vs bottom speed of 5.4 showing a 3kt current roughly.

Instrument showing current

Instrument showing current

Beautiful motus lined the pass as we entered.

Makemo pass at dawn

Makemo pass at dawn

We continued 9nm to the Punaruku anchorage where we happily dropped the hook at 0830.


  • Passage from Tahanea to Makemo
  • Miles to destination (as the crow flies) 50nm
  • Miles Traveled:  79.6nm
  • Max Speed:  10kt
  • Average Speed before we pinched: 6.2kt
  • Overall Average Speed: 4.0kt
  • Travel Time:  20.08 hrs

Punaruku Anchorage

The Punaruku anchorage sits in a small corner tucked in between a few motus.  There is only one house or family in this area.  Funny we should be in Punaruku this close to Halloween as there is a “ghost village” and a cemetery here.  We did find the cemetery which was very Tahitian.  They had beautiful shell rosary beads, shell crosses, and shell necklaces draped over the stones. Some headstones were just lava rocks at the head and foot.  Very simple, but respectful.

Cemetery at Makemo

Cemetery at Makemo

We think we found remnants of the ghost village, but to be honest are not sure.  We found what looked like to be parts of the foundations of buildings or homes, but it was not much.

Ghost village remnants

Ghost village remnants

Frankly, this motu was really sad to me.  I had an overwhelming since of sadness that I just could not shake each time we came ashore.  It could be because of the burnt surroundings, or the graves or maybe something altogether different?  They are doing a lot of copra production.  Once they dry out the coconuts, they have to dispose of the husks so they have tons and tons of burn piles all over the place.  Something was just off about the motu, but it is hard to describe.

Burnt motu from copra production

Burnt motu from copra production

We walked over several motus to get to the ocean side and found a completely different landscape.  Lots of lava rock and dead coral, but also pools of electric blue water.

Makemo on the ocean side

Makemo on the ocean side

Motu Opareke

The next anchorage is Motu Opareke which is the main village in Makemo just off the East pass.  It is not the best anchorage as the seabed is littered with bommies and there are parts of a boat wreck.  We anchored near the new pier in 5 meters of water.  Sitting happily for 24 hours before the French Marine Nationale decided to med-moor to the pier.  We were astonished they didn’t ask us to move.  The captain expertly maneuvered this large ship, dropped two anchors, and backed in to the dock.  They were so close that when they used their bow thrusters it pushed Sugar Shak sideways.

French Navy are our neighbors

French Navy are our neighbors

Onshore, we met some locals who invited us over for more hooch or Tahitian punch.  It was ridiculously strong!  After a sip, we buggered off as we needed to provision.  They sent a few kids to show us the way.  The village is not very big as you can see from the map below.

Makemo map and our tour guides

Makemo map and our tour guides

The locals post signs as you cross from one motu to another.  See above photo with one motu name crossed out and the new motu on top.

As we came in from Punaruku we saw some structures on the shore.  We could not figure out what they were so we went to investigate.  We crossed over from Motu Opareke to Motu Tamara and then to Motu Moturama to get there, about 2.5 miles. What we discovered was an old, defunct wind farm. They had 6 wind machines that fold down during high winds or cyclones, rather creative.  Unfortunately, they look like they had not been functioning in a while.  We later found out that the farm stopped working back in 2010.

Old wind farm on Makemo

Old wind farm on Makemo

Marine NationaleFrench Navy

We found the “notice board” at the wharf and learned that the Marine Nationale was allowing visitors the next day.  Sweet!  Our friends on Maple joined us for a cool tour of this ship.  There are 23 crew and 4 officers that operate this vessel that is based in Tahiti.  It navigates the French Polynesian waters along with 5 other vessels including an aircraft carrier (2200 crew), 2-Frigate boats, (90-200 crew each) and a patrol boat (25-50 crew).  The crew are on for 3 months at a time and then work at the base in Tahiti while another crew works the boat.  After a 3 year tour they can be reassigned to another boat in the FP fleet or they can go back and work in France.  This young woman is an assistant Petty Officer.  She is one of 3 women on the boat.

French Navy Officer

French Navy Officer

Bougainville is the name of this ship and it is only 3 years old so it has all of the modern technologies.  The 2ndphoto from the top shows a smaller vessel on the aft deck that can be beached (to bring vehicles on shore).  The 3rd photo shoes the enormous lines they use to dock the boat.  The 4th photo is a special flat bottom boat that can go over reefs without damaging them.

French Nationale

French Nationale

They have lots of ribs and life rafts on board.  The center photo is of their two windlasses which are massive as well.

French Nationale

French Nationale

Little About Makemo

Makemo  is translated to “atoll of perfection.”  As the third largest atoll in the Tuamotus (behind Rangiroa and Fakarava), it is famous for its spectacular undersea landscapes, pristine motus, and unhurried pace of life.  With 824 inhabitants in Makemo and another 625 inhabitants in surrounding atolls, the total population for the area is roughly 1,500.  Neighboring islands send their children here to attend boarding school which is the norm in French Polynesia.  They offer regular school for children 4-12 and “college” for children 12-15.  The small inter-island airport opened in 1976 which has brought a little more tourism and visiting Polynesians.  They received their first ATM in 2016.  Prior to that year, the poste office dispensed cash.

It was deemed an ideal picture-perfect atoll by a French navigator in 1926.  The interesting thing is that an English pearl merchant visited the atoll over a century before, in 1803.

There are two navigable passes to the fourth largest lagoon in the Tuamotus.  Makemo receives a supply ship every 3 weeks to refill supplies.  The main village is in Pouheva where the police, Le Maire, school, college, lighthouse, and main church are located.

Integrated paint scheme of purple, green, yellow and white on many continuous cement balustrades that line the main streets.