Taravai is an island of celebrations! We had three separate birthday parties, lessons in making leighs and spearfishing, and day out on Sugar Shack.
Every Sunday, Valerie and Herve host a BBQ for cruisers. This Sunday was extra special as it was Matt’s birthday! Valerie greeted Matt with a beautiful flower leigh, happy birthday music (on the radio) and provided a day full of fun activities including volleyball and bacchi ball.
We all brought side dishes, cold beverages, and desert to go with the goat and fish are hosts provided.

BBQ Celebrations
A birthday sing a long for Matt with some cookies and crepes.

Matt’s Cinco de Mayo Celebrations
The French Polynesian lei designs are a huge part of their culture and are passed on from generation to generation. The women make floral leis, crowns, and costumes that they wear for festivals, dances, and weddings. Valerie was kind enough to take the time to show us how to make our own leis.

Lei Making Day
The stunning flowers smelled amazing!
Matt and I decided to invite everyone on board Sugar Shack for a day cruise to Mangareva. Rachel’s sister was due to arrive and we all needed a little provisioning and some internetting. We invited Agape, Halcyon and our island hosts Herve, Valerie and Ariki. It was a fabulous day out with good friends! We even spotted a few manta rays playing around the channel.

Sunday Funday on Sugar Shack
Herve took the boys out spear fishing several days which provided the bountiful feast for each of our celebrations!

Spear Fishing with Herve
In addition to the Matt’s birthday, we also celebrated Becca’s birthday and Rachel’s birthday.

Birthday Beauties
Becca was blessed with 8-9 rainbows, we lost count.

Sugar Shack anchored at Taravai
We had a blast spending a week on Taravai, playing games, eating fresh, local food and celebrating birthdays!

Great Gathering of Friends
One of the other cruisers is from Brittany (outside of France) and he has a crepe press on board. He made fresh crepes for us with homemade caramel, chocolate and banana sauces.

Crepe lessons in Taravai