Matt and I enjoyed a “lazy” morning and took our time pulling up the anchor. Our destination, Bahia Herradura was less than 40 miles away so we were not in a hurry. We pulled up the hook around 0715 and slowly made our way north. It was another uneventful trip, on a beautiful day with no wind. It seems when we do have wind it is on our nose. But, today, we didn’t have wind or direction.

Sugar Shack Motoring Along in Flat Seas
Blowing on the nose – the wind is barely a breeze at 2.2 knots. The speed is shown under the arrow.

We swung by Playa Hermosa to see if we could find a dinghy dock or safe landing for “Sweetie” but we didn’t. I thought it would have been great to stay here as I lived in Hermosa Beach in California for 8 years. But it was not meant to be. We also swung into Jaco Beach (pronounced Haco) where Monica is staying but there was nothing but hotels and resorts on a long sandy beach.
So, onward to our original destination of Bahia Herradura. We anchored in front of the very ritzy marina called Los Suenos Marina. This is a 200-slip marina that was the first government approved marina in Costa Rica. The 1-mile wide bay was actually developed for the marina and resort. It is really swanky!!!!
Bahia Herradura is a really pretty dark sand beach that runs the width of the bay and is populated with several eateries and bars. However, there is no dinghy dock and no place to land the dinghy where she would be safe for extended periods of time. Crime is prevalent in this area and we’ve been told to be extra vigilant. So, we headed to the marina to see what they had to offer.

Los Suenos Marina and Bahia Herradura Beach
We took the dinghy in to the Marina breakwater (without calling security), motored around the docks before we found the fuel dock. A very nice man from the marina came to meet us and informed us that we have to either call on the phone or the radio to the marina office. I was perplexed as I just wanted to walk in to talk to them in person, but he was not having any of it. He called the office and put me on the phone with them.
Evidently, everyone is supposed to call on the radio before entering the breakwater, we did not know to do that. They were willing to let us leave our dinghy at their dock for a mere $100 per day (yes, that is U.S.) or we could pull the big boat into a slip at $3.95 per foot x 50% which comes out to $277 per day. We get charged an extra 50% because we are a double wide (catamaran). Do you remember when we stayed at Vista Mar Marina (VMM) for $25 per day? Granted, VMM is really cheap as they are trying to attract new business, but Los Suenos is ridiculously expensive. They are almost full to capacity with million-dollar fishing boats so they don’t need our business and it is apparent.
After I hung up the phone looking dejected, the nice man told us about a water taxi. You can hail Zapatilla on VHF 69 and he will transport you to and from your boat for $20 a day. That’s much cheaper, but still crazy expensive considering we are only ½ mile away from the beach. Convenience and cost won out. We called, they came to pick us up and we walked to shore, down the beach and to the marina.
The marina does have beautiful facilities including several restaurants, banks, salon, spa, liquor store, chandlery, market, gelato, car rental and tourist stores with clothes and trinkets. Of course, everything is really pricey. After we were done snooping, we walked over to the Marriott Los Suenos Beach Resort from the marina via this really pretty, live tree tunnel – the entire place was pretty swanky.

Marriott Los Suenos Live Tunnel
We stopped in at a soda, a local eatery for lunch and met Adriana who is the owner’s daughter. She gave us all sorts of tips, tours, and contacts for taxi drivers. A huge score!
Passage Details:
- Total Miles: 9
- Total Time: 6:43
- Max Speed: 7.8
- Average Speed: 5.6
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