Tag Archives: black magic

Fanla Festival: Black Magic and Sand Drawing

Black magic is an integral part of the Vanuatu culture and is practiced widely by sorcerers and witch doctors.  However, Ambrym is considered the black magic epicenter of Vanuatu.  This is because they believe the very active volcano gives them special powers.

Black magic is performed by special sorcerers called “the man blong blak majik.” and are usually graded a 5 or higher.  Typically, females are not allowed near the sorcerer or his black magic.  However, times have changed and women are now allowed to witness their performance.

We were told that they practiced black magic in several villages and islands.  In Pentecost, southern Ambrym, and Tanna stories were told of the great black magic that was done over the years.

What is Black Magic Used for?

The elders will use black magic to control the weather.  To call for rain and storms, to help their harvest, to find love, or to curse an enemy.

In Lonwolwol, the village chief told us that his elders used black magic to make the volcano erupt.  Why would they do that?  Well, Christianity came to the island in the 1800’s.  As more and more villagers became Christian they stopped giving the respect and power to the chiefs.  So the chiefs used black magic to make the massive volcano erupt which destroyed the entire Cristian community.

What Black Magic Was Performed

Well, the “tricks” performed at the Fanla festival were relatively mild when you compare them to say a “David Copperfield Magic show.”  They performed 4 tricks for us.

The first trick involved a palm frond or long leafy branch.  He used a machete to cut off one side of the branch (1) and all of the leaves fell to the ground (2).  He placed the branch next to the fallen leaves.  Then he proceeded to spit several times (3) as he walked around the branch and fallen leaves.  After 4-5 spits, he bent over, grabbed the branch and all of the leaves had returned to the branch (4).

The second performance required two pieces of bamboo..  They had an opening on one end but were sealed on the other.  One bamboo was empty but the other had water inside (1).  He took the water from one bamboo shoot and placed it into the other (2).  After a little walking around and lots of spitting, he turned both pieces of bamboo over and they were both empty (3).  Where did the water go?

A Little Bit of Silliness

The third trick involved a white feather.  He held it for awhile, walked around a little bit, spit several times.  Spitting is very important for Vanuatu superstition.  Then he dropped the feather and ran away from it (3 and 4).  The feather followed him.

The last black magic trick that was performed included some tourists.  They had a special stick that they said conjured up the spirits.    The nambas (men wearing nambas) formed a circle and pounded the ground with rocks.  They chanted and sang as another man pounded a stick into the ground.  The sorcerer and another man grabbed the black stick and closed their eyes.  The spirit was tossing the stick all over the place as the two men tried desperately to hold on.  Soon, two tourists were brought over to help them.  The spirit was angry and wanted the stick but the tourists and locals would not let go. 

In reality, they were fighting each other without knowing it as their eyes were closed.  But it was in great fun.

The Art of Sand Drawing

A master sand drawer must possess a strong knowledge of graphic patterns, a deep understanding of their significance, and have the ability to tell a story with his art.

Sand drawing is done completely by memory and will vary from artist to artist.  It is a unique way of telling stories, sharing their culture and history, and communicating.

They have sacred and profane meanings and were used to record rituals, mythological lore, local history, farming techniques, and more.

Sand Drawing in Fanla

During the festival we are treated to two different sand drawings.  The chief explains that sand drawing is multi-functional as an indigenous artistic expression while telling a story and passing down their traditions.

They start out by finding a clear space of sand.  If one is not available, such as during the festival, then they sprinkle ash on the ground to create a clear space.  

They start by drawing straight lines to create a grid.  When the artist is ready to begin he will position himself in the center of the art so he can reach all sides.  Using one finger, he will draw patterns continuously meandering around until the finished product is produced.  

The finger will only leave the ground once the sand drawing is complete.  The first piece he drew is the image for the ROM festival.

He then clears his area, lays more ash down and begins again.  This time he draws the island of Ambrym which is represented by the two volcanic peaks.

There are over 100 sand drawings being recorded by the artists.  They practice during their free time and consider it a hobby.

The Role of the Leader

At the end of Day 1, the chief asks who the leader is of our group.  Everyone points to me, unanimously.  Oh boy, I am not sure I am going to like this….

The chief asks me to come forward to share a cup of kava with him.  Eek gads. I did not like kava in Fiji, I doubt I will like it here.

Kava is a derivative of the pepper tree family and is cut and chewed into a pulp.  Then it is spat into a bowl.  The mushy pulp is squeezed and the resultant, brown liquid is drunk in a single gulp.  Sound appealing???

I get up and put my best smile on.  The chief has changed into “normal clothing” and hands me my mid-tide cup.  We sort of do an air “cheers” and then it is bottoms up.  

As you can see…it was a hard swallow, but I did it with a smile.

Afterwards they presented me with a special gift.  It was a piece of carved wood representing the ROM festival.  Very special and sweet.  Almost worth all of the work it took to gather the 18 cruisers.

Our blog posts run 10-12 weeks behind actual live events.  The Fanla Festival was held in mid-July 2024.  If you missed it, our last post showcased the ROM Dance.

The Authentic Kastom Village of Fanla

We came to Ambrym to see the legendary Fanla Rom Dance Festival.  This festival is held in the small, remote village of Fanla located up in the mountains.  Fanla is a true kastom village which is dedicated to preserving the Vanuatu traditional ways in culture, religion, economics, art, and magic.

We anchor at Ranon Bay which is the closest anchorage to Fanla.  This is a beautiful, large bay with a lovely village near the shore (see our blog post on Ranon).  

The Fanla Festival Program

This is a two day festival featuring ROM dances, black magic, sand drawing, and the rarely seen grade taking ritual.  Grade taking is specific to Ambrym and is where the men perform certain activities and pay significant amounts of money and pig tusks to increase their rank in the village.

There is so much to share about each event within the festival that I have broken them out into separate blog posts.  However, here are the highlights of what is to come:

Fanla Festival: ROM, a Mystical Cultural Event

The ROM dance is a sacred, magical event.  A few men are selected to perform the ROM dance as part of their grade taking ceremony.  The ROM dance includes very elaborate costumes and a hand made tribal mask.

This will be two parts:  One on the actual ROM dance and one on the beautiful, magical ROM masks and costumes.

Fanla Festival: Black Magic and Sand Drawing

An sorcerer performs several variations of sand drawing. Sand drawing is drawn from memory without lifting the finger and is a complete, complex pattern.

Drum and flute demonstrations will be played, several variations of dances will be performed and we will witness a small display of mysterious black magic performed by a special sorcerer, ‘the man blong blak majik’.

Fanla Festival: Grade Taking Ceremony

We witness two chiefs elevate from a level 11 grade to a level 12 grade which makes them the highest ranking men in all of Vanuatu.  The ceremony, steeped in tradition, includes several dances, songs, chants, and pig killing.  

But before we get to the festival, let’s talk about the very unique kastom village of Fanla.

The Kastom Village of Fanla

Fanla is located through the forest and up in the mountain. We hired a guide to show us the way to Fanla, since we were not 100% certain of its location. Freddy Roromal came down from Fanla to show us the “shortcut which would cut 20 minutes off our hike.  The route along the road takes 60-75 minutes and our short cut route took 45 minutes.

It is a relatively easy “walk” albeit mostly up hill.  When it rains it becomes very muddy but it is not a difficult climb. 

Fanla is one of the oldest villages in Ambrym and they have the two highest grade chiefs in all of Vanuatu.  This kastom village itself has a mix of concrete houses and traditional huts.  It appears many of the young people went to larger villages and returned with money to build strong, more secure homes for their families.

Fanla boasts of one of the most unique banyan trees in the country.  It is a female banyan tree that has a naturally grown “cave” on the back side of the tree.  The elders of the village used to hide skulls in the cave to prevent their enemies from stealing them.

From the front, the tree looks like a typical banyan tree.  But as you round the backside you see the very large opening.  They have strategically placed two stone carved tikis to protect the tree.  Once you walk in you turn to the left and there is a further path into the center of the tree.

Tour of Fanla

We continue our tour of the Fanla Village and come to the grave site of the eldest chief of the village.  This is chief who met Captain Cook when he arrived to Ambrym.  The chief gave Captain Cook a yam.  When the chief offered the yam to him he said “yam rim” which means my yam for you.  Captain Cook thought that he said the name of the island is  “yam rim.” This is how Ambrym got its name.

In exchange for the yam, Captain Cook presented the chief with a piece of metal. The chief created a special carving tool using the metal piece. This special tool is used in the highest levels of the grade taking ceremony carvings.  The chief showed us the 250 year old tool and allowed us to hold it.  It is amazing to me to be able to hold such an authentic piece of history in my hands!

The top photo is the burial site.  The villagers lay out the moss covered stones in the shape of pig tusks (which is the highest honor).  The chief earns hundreds of tusks over his lifetime and they are all buried with him.  This site is considered “tabu.” You can only visit with express permission from the current chief and with a guide.

The top right photo is the “secret” place of the high chief. The chief chooses to live alone and prepare his own meals.  He does not accept visitors (not even his wife). More on this in the grade-taking ceremony blog.

Me, the Leader?

As many of you know, I am extremely active in the cruising community.  I have produced 8 compendiums for various countries which are complete sailing guides (200+ pages each).  I am an administrator on several cruising forums, social media groups, and WhatsApp groups. Many cruisers turn to Sugar Shack for guidance and assistance and I consider it a huge honor.

I was able to gather 18 cruisers for the Fanla festival.  This is the largest group they’ve had attend and the villagers considered me the “leader.”  

I am so excited to share the many cultural events and stories we’ve learned about here in Fanla.  Follow along with us for the next couple of weeks to read all about it!

A new tribe of girls…they just to play with my hair.

Our blog posts run 10-12 weeks behind actual live events.  We were in Falna around Mid-July 2024.  Did you read about the beautiful bays of Ambrym in our last blog post?