Formalities and Tons of Paperwork

We have received several inquiries about formalities and what it entails when you clear out of a country and clear into a new one.  Each country is different, but I will give you a run down of clearing out of New Zealand at Marsden Cove Marina.  And then clearing into Port Resolution, Tanna, Vanuatu.

Preparing for Departure

We splash Sugar Shack with the expert and professional team at Norsand Boatyard in the rain.  Not ideal, but not a big problem until a storm descended upon us.  We only had 9nm to go from Norsand to Marsden Cove Marina.  However, the winds kicked up to 25-33 kts with gusts up to 40kt.  The current was going against us, the rain was pounding and the wind howling. Not how we wanted to start our trip.  So, we decide to hide in a small anchorage for the night.

The next morning we woke up to a beautiful rainbow as if Mother Nature was apologizing for the terrible conditions the night before.  Made for a nice short trip to the marina where we fuel up and clear out of NZ.

New Zealand Departure 

New Zealand (NZ) requires “advance notice of departure” which is “Form C2B.”  You complete this form and send it by email to customs at at least 48 hours in advance.  We are clearing out at Marsden Cove Marina which requires the Customs official to travel so we gave them 72 hours in advance in order to schedule our departure interview.

At the interview you have to bring the following documents:

In addition, you have to go online to notify Maritime NZ (even if you are not a NZ registered boat), this is a short and simple form to complete.  They will send confirmation upon receipt.  

Once we are cleared out of the country, we remove our NZ flag, get lots of duty free diesel and gasoline, and cast off the docks.  We needed so much diesel that the counter clicked over and had to start at zero. We wore out our poor NZ flag, its a good thing we have a new one for our return. A friend of ours captured us leaving.


We send out notifications whenever we go on passage.  The first one is Passage Guardian which is a free monitoring service.  We file a float plan and email our position (lat/long), wind speed/direction, swell, barometer, boat speed, and any other pertinent information every day while at sea.  Peter, at Passage Guardian, provides this service for free.  He tracks our movement and will notify our emergency contacts with any anomalies.  In addition, he notifies us if there is anything in our trajectory (fishing fleets, or container ships).  It is a very important service.

We also notify Viki Moore with the Pacific Rally.  She also tracks us using our AIS and ensures we have all of the necessary documentation to depart NZ and arrive Vanuatu.  She offers amazing service and I am eternally grateful for her spectacular efforts.

Gulf Harbor Radio is an SSB radio net that meets once at night.  We call in to report our position, wind/sea conditions, and get weather.  It is another free service.

Lastly, we will notify our emergency contacts and family members.  We provide our float plan and all of our important information so that they can find us in case of an emergency.

Entering Vanuatu

Formalities for Vanuatu include a lot more forms.  We have to provide them with advance notice of arrival, prior to arrival.  In addition, we are seeking special permission to clear in at Port Resolution which is NOT an official port of entry.  We will have to pay a fee to cover the officials travel.  The reason we are asking for special permission to clear into Port Resolution rather than Lenakel (official port of entry) at Tanna is because the anchorage at Lenakel is awful.  

The email with the “Inward Report” (Advance Notice of Arrival) has to include a lot of basic information (see below) and must include the Inward Report, a photo of the boat, and the bio pages of all crew passports.  This email is sent to 

  • Name of the vessel;  
  • Vessel registration;  
  • Vessel Radio Call Sign; 
  • Country of registration: 
  • Home Port:  
  • Voyage (last 3 ports);
  • Estimated date & time of arrival; 
  • Port of arrival; with approval, 
  • Estimated length of stay;  
  • Purpose of Visit: 
  • Port arrived from; 
  • Name of the master or skipper of the vessel; 
  • Name & contact of person providing data; 
  • Names of passengers on board; 
  • List of goods to be landed (if any) 
  • Crew list:  
  • Photo of your boat.  

I do all of the paper work before we leave New Zealand, since I get sea sick pretty easily. And off we go on passage.  See next post titled “6 Days at Sea.”

Mystery / Anatom Island

We originally wanted to clear into Mystery island as it is the furthest southern island in the Vanuatu Island chain.  And it just seems super cool to go to an island called Mystery Island.  However, we would have to receive permission to clear in at this island as it is not a port of entry.  In addition, we would have to time our arrival with the cruise ship schedule, which comes twice per month.  Why do you ask?

Officials have to be flown in, given housing, and food which costs a lot of money  So, if you time your arrival with the cruise ship you don’t have to pay to get the officials to Mystery Island since they will be there for the cruise ship.

It just seemed like too much trouble to leave on a good weather widow for us and arrive at the island when the cruise ship is there (which is only for 9 hours).  

So, we decided to get special clearance for Port Resolution at Tanna instead.

Change of Heart

While we were at sea, we realized that if we slowed the boat down, there was a good possibility that we could arrive the day before the cruise ship arrived.  So, I reached out to Vanuatu Customs with the hopes of being approved for this special entry.

We got approval and nearly jumped for joy.  But, it was short lived because 5 minutes later our approval was revoked.  What?  Evidently there is a large storm coming and they are re-routing the cruise ship so the officials are not going to be there.  What a huge disappointment as we had lost about a half day sailing at painfully slow speeds.

Well, onward to Port Resolution.

Arriving Vanuatu

Once we arrive, we fly our Yellow Quarantine Flag, notify the Yacht club on VHF 16 of our arrival and make arrangements to meet the officials.  When we meet the officials we have to bring the following original and signed forms (forms found here):

  • Inward Report
  • Yacht Master Certificate
  • Inter-Island Permit Application
  • Maritime Health Declaration
  • Biosecurity Passenger Card (one for each crew)
  • Exit Forms from NZ
  • Passports of all crew
  • Boat Registration

The Rocket Guide is a very valuable resource if you require additional information on clearing into Vanuatu.

Some Hiccups….

Evidently the Immigration officer was sick so he could not come which means we have to go to Lenakel to finish the process.  We have to get our inter-island cruising permit, stamps in our passports and our 90-day visas.  Not much of a big deal as we planed to take a taxi to Lenakel anyway.  We need local SIM cards, more Vatu (local cash), and some fresh produce.  Plus it will be fun to see the inner island.

One thing to note is that all attachments, for all countries, should always be labeled with your boat name, the name of the document, and date.  For example, “Sugar Shack Inward Report_May 2024”

One of the benefits of joining the Pacific Rally is having Viki verify all of the necessary documents for NZ and Vanuatu.  Usually, I am on my own to figure out what is required, who it is sent to and in what time frame.

Our blog posts run 10-12 weeks behind actual live events.  This blog post occurred around the end of May.  In our last blog post I share all of the amazing donations we plan to distribute in Vanuatu and Solomon Islands.

Donations for the Locals

Many of the villages in the remote islands are in need of basic supplies like food, medical, clothing, tools, fishing gear, and school supplies.  So, we always try to stock up before heading out to these items to bring them much needed supplies and donations.

We are lucky enough to be a part of the Pacific Rally again this year.  It brings loads of benefits to us as cruisers crossing the Pacific. One of the benefits is having access to organizations who want to donate items to the remote islands but don’t have any means to get the supplies out to the locals.  So, they team up with the cruisers who collect the donations and distribute them to the islands along the way.


The Papakura Lions Club is an amazing organization that collects glasses.  They receive between 350-500 glasses each month. Every Wednesday a group of volunteers led by Kevin sort the glasses. 

First they, sort damaged or broken glasses into large flour bags to be trashed, then they sort sunnies (sun glasses) into their own bin and lastly they sort eye glasses.  This is a photo of one of their two rooms dedicated to just glasses!

The yellow boxes are new donations, the white “Cotene” bags are discarded or broken glasses, the red and blue crates need to be sorted.  The eye glasses are first cleaned, then dried.  Next they measure the strength of the prescription and ensure that both lenses are the same strength.  Next they put them in little plastic bags and mark them with a label showing their prescription strength.  

I originally signed up to take 25 eye glasses.  After I emailed with Kevin he assured me he could give me more so I decided to take 50 eye glasses (25 for Vanuatu and 25 for Solomons).  But when I got to the facility and saw how many they had in stock, I left with a box of 350 eye glasses and 400 sunnies.

The sunglasses had to be cleaned and sorted into prescription and non-prescription and then they are all ready to go!


The Pacific Rally received over 20 large pillow cases of clothes.  They were then distributed to the boats to distribute.  I volunteered to take 2 bags. One bag has 35 adult women’s items and one has 50 baby items.  

Medical and School Supplies

A local heard asked us to bring their donations of medical supplies and children’s books.  We had lots of extra medical supplies and some supplies that were expired so I added it to our pile of donated goods.

Fun Stuff for Kids

I purchased a lot of goodies before I accumulated the eyeglasses, sunnies, clothing, and medical supplies.  Not to worry as I am sure we will find lots of children excited to be on the receiving end.   We had lots of school supplies, goggles, and stickers, planes, jewelry, etc….  I can’t wait to hand these out!

Our blogs run 10-12 weeks behind actual live events.  This blog occurred around mid-May.  In our last blog post we share how we provision for 6-months at sea.

Provisions for the Remote Islands

We prepare to live in very remote, isolated islands with very little access to modern grocery stores.  It requires a lot of planning, shopping, organization, and storage.  This blog outlines our process to prepare the boat for the provisions.

We have a 7-page excel spreadsheet with our “normal” provisions.  It includes everything we use on a daily basis like spices, cheese, pastas, cleaning agents, beauty, oils, sauces, etc…It takes me 2 days to go through our inventory and check it against our current stock, then notate it on the spreadsheet to determine what is needed.  I pull everything out of the cabinets, pantries, and drawers to check expiration dates, quality, and stock.

Once I have my list I show it to Matt, the chef to ensure he is happy with the new shopping list.  And off we go.

Big Box Stores

We are lucky enough to have one Costco in New Zealand.  The problem is that it is located in Auckland.  So, we borrow our friend’s car and make a big run to the “city.” Strangely enough, NZ Costco does not accept US Costco members so we have to join the NZ Costco.  While we are there, we also stop at Martha’s Backyard which has a lot of American items.  We also swing by the Dive Doctor to get compressor oil, and a few other stops.

We come back to empty the car and head back out again to Pak N Save.  This will be the first of many stops to the grocery store.  But since we have a car, we decide to get the heavy items (canned goods, water bottles, etc…)

Can you tell I love to bake?  We have (3) 5lb bags of flour (to go with the 15lbs we already have on the boat), 6lbs of white sugar, 6lbs of brown sugar, tons of granola bars, and 12 bags of baking chips (to go with the 4lbs onboard).

We purchased a lot of meats at Costco.  This requires us to unwrap each package and vacu-seal the meat.  Vacu-sealing the meat helps the meat last longer, prevents freezer burn, and helps us store the meat more efficiently.  But it does take a lot of effort.

While Matt is vacu-sealing the meat, I am marking each can with its ingredients, pealing off the labels, and wrapping the bottom of the can with painters tape.  We remove the labels because “weebles/bugs” like to hide in the glue.  We tape the bottom of the can as it prevents them from rusting.  It is all a process.

Matt re-packed 48 chicken boobs, 12 packs of bacon, and 6 packs of pork shoulder (future pulled port).  We later went back and got several racks of ribs, and meat and veggie patties.

More Provisions

We ordered our beer from Countdown (Woolworth) because they deliver.  I spoke to the super helpful liquor manager and he was able to procure Matt’s beer (never stored cold).  I then ordered our Allan Scot Rose and my Malibu pre-mixed drinks from and they delivered.  Much easier for us.  This should last us awhile!

And two more large provision runs…

Our blog posts run 10-12 weeks behind live events.  This blog post occurred in Mid-May.  We complete the final touches on Sugar Shack just before we splash.