Category Archives: Uncategorized

Polynesian welcome

Arrived safely after a fun splashing in the channel to the anchorage.

Just in time to celebrate with the heritage festival

Completed check in process this morning after a long hard sleep. May be caught up on the sleep. Found a bit of internet and will try to repost the missing passage reports.

Cheers and Happy Friday from French Polynesia

Have to Have vs. Need to Have

How is it that I see something at home or on the island or in a store and I think “I have to have that on the boat. It would make “x” so much easier” or “I could store “y” so much smarter”? Then several years later, after removing everything from every drawer, cabinet, closet, and nook and cranny, I realize I had not even used that item once? Of course, with years of being on a boat you come to realize what is necessary and what is not–but occasionally you still have those off moments. I came across these tupperware like containers that stored within themselves, so 8 fit into the largest one and the lids all snapped to eachother. They even had colored dots on the bottom of the tupperware to tell you which lid to use – fancy, convenient, and met our storage limitations. Put them on my Xmas list and received 2 sets (we use a lot of tupperare). Bring one set to the boat to try it out, so excited and only come to realize that the most important thing they need to do is seal properly and that they didn’t do. It was sort of one of those super weak “I am going to close, but not seal” So sad, back to the Container store they go.

In my cleaning extravaganza yesterday, I found parts to a printer we no longer have, staples to a stapler that do not fit, cables to who knows what and many sorts of things that needed to be organized. For those of you who know me, you know I love to organize things (sewing drawer, adhesive drawer, fishing drawer, zinc drawer, etc…) it was a nice break between cleaning. Managed to remove 1/4lb of salt from our windows – it likes to accumulate there making it very hard to open and close them and since I’m in charge of readying the boat prior to departure and prior to anchoring/mooring it is good to have windows that open easily. Good day, productive day.

Tomorrow and Monday will be super busy, then back to reality.

Office supply drawer