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Fiji Bound Day#12 – Jumping ship

Investigation into why Mr Spinnaker would jump ship in the middle of the night revealed that he had help. Not exactly sure of who his accomplice was but the evidence points to the shackle. The wayward crew member waited just the exact moment to escape the shackle that bound him to our service. After pulling him back on board and a full check over all is back in place for the next time his service is required. If he tries the same trick again, he will also have to deal with a dyneema lashing that is the backup in case that becomes unscrewed again.

It’s not a normal marine shackle and I assume its bent a bit as it took some good leverage to get the nut closed so I would be surprised if it ever comes apart again, but just in case the stronger than steel dyneema lashing is there as a backup.

Today was not a spectacular day. It was gray and overcast with rain squalls all day long and they are continuing into the night again. We are just running the jib and making decent progress at a comfortable ride. Actually with the high winds and high waves we have been surfing quite fast a lot today. Max surf at 11.7 and all day average of 6 knots with just a foresail.

Enough to get us to Fiji, we saw some of the outer island when we still had 120 miles to go. The rain and dark clouds made spotting them a bit of a challenge. None the less we have 90 or so miles left to the anchorage. Where a beer and customs/immigration and a long nap on less bouncy boat will be in order. Most likely in that order.

Tonights project, use up the last of the fresh veggies before we have to turn them in, cabbage will be coleslaw, cucumbers will be marinated, apples will be eaten, tomatoes will be salsa. Might have to turn in a onion or two. Limes …hmmm…. Margaritas? That would be awesome, but sure the customs and immigration would appreciate slurring of the vocabulary.

A pretty sweet passage, 12 days – We left Saturday around noon will arrive Thursday around noon – but its actually a Friday because we crossed the date line. We are now in the future. Looks the same but only newer. This is one day longer than our Easter Island to Gambier, French Polynesia but a bazillion times smoother passage and easier more comfortable passage. Christine did amazing. No sign or hint of seasickness that comes from sailing over night, might be getting used to it? Or just highly medicated on this extra long trip.

I will try and remember to post an arrival notice, but with beer and sleep being the priority I hope I don’t forget like I normally do.

Matt just hanging out

Ile Agakauitai Ridge Walk

We hid from a storm between Taravai and Ile Agakauitai with a few of our friends on Leela (Graham and Janicki) and Pitufa (Birgit and Christian).  It was 5 days of constant rain and high winds.  Strange considering it is their summer, but from what we have heard, this has been their wettest summer in 5 decades.  It’s what keeps the mountains so lush and green!  Below is a photo after the rain and during the rain – the entire Mt. Duff disappears.

Now you see Mt Duff...Now You Don't

Now you see Mt Duff…Now You Don’t

A Walk on the Wild Side

At the first clearing, we decided to go for a walk along the ridge of Ile Agakauitai that starts at the bay and wraps around to the lagoon.  Sweetie (our dinghy) has a long shaft outboard so we decided to take Leela’s dinghy with a much shallower draft. This would allow us to cross over the reef to get to the ridge.   Matt and Graham tied the dinghy to a tree and then pushed her away from the rocks.  Didn’t do much good as the tide brought her right back to the rocks, but what can you do?  We started off walking along a fairly flat area with protected pools of water. 

Ridge Walking

Ridge Walking

We came across these little inlets that I later learned from my European friends were called “tickles.”



There was this beautiful lava or rock table that had such great texture that it looked man-made.  But, no, it was embedded into the rock below.  Mother nature is an artist.

Awesome Lava Formations

Cool Lava Table Structures

Cool Lava Table Structures

As we turned left, around the corner leaving the bay, we started seeing a lot more pools of water.  These would range from 1’-6’ in depth.  It was really interesting to see the different growth in each pool – based on the amount of water coming in each one.

Pools of Water on the Ridge

Pools of Water on the Ridge

As we continued on our way along the ridge of Ile Agakauitai, we crossed over several lava formations.  We were told that lava would come up through a crack or fisher and create these formations that looked like roads to me.

Lava Road

Lava Road

The water in some of the pools was crystal clear.  In some of the photos (top two) you cannot even tell I am shooting through water.  The top right is a large crab saying “hello Christine” the middle is a landslide with a fallen tree and lots of rocks.

Beautiful Scenery on our Walk

Beautiful Scenery on our Walk

Yep, I win for best photo sequence

We found one fairly large pool that Matt decided to take a dip in.  I took this hysterical sequence of photos as he jumped in – I cannot believe I captured some of these! Matt starting out checking the depth, then assuming the position.

Dare Devil Matt

Dare Devil Matt

Things start to fall apart as he loses his form and tries to break dance on the surface of the water.

Dare Devil Matt

Dare Devil Matt

And he gets a 10 for style points, but a 2 for splash factor.

Dare Devil Matt

Dare Devil Matt

Unfortunately, there were lots of goat heads on Ile Agakauitai.  Not sure where the rest of the body ends up…

New Hat Attire?

New Hat Attire?


We were hiding from a strong easterly wind for several days.  On the first day, we went for a snorkel with a few friends from Leela (Graham and Janicki) and Yello (Daniela).  It was our first snorkel near Ile Agakauitai and it was really interesting  with shallow reefs and a good variety of fish. 

We anchored the dinghy in a little sandy patch and jumped in.  We swam over the large reef in about a ½ meter of water.  It was really cool to see the little fish, crabs, and sea creatures in the nooks and crannies of the reef.



I found this purple lipped clam that was sewn into a two-layer coral shelf with half of its body on the upper shelf and the half on the lower shelf.


As you continue to swim along the reef, you come across these large pockets or areas that dive 10-15 meters deep.  Here you will find the large napoleons, angels, and groupers.  There were several that were well over a meter in length.

Beautiful Purple Lipstick

Beautiful Purple Lipstick

Some large fish exploring us exploring them

Some large fish exploring us exploring them

Lots of large coral tables or shelves, not sure what they are called, but it looks like you could sit down to tea.  And they come in all sorts of colors. 

Beautiful Coral Tables

Beautiful Coral Tables

I tracked several fun looking fish.  I found these four dual colored fish.  Half their bodies were one color and the other half another.  Maybe juveniles?   And of course, a little puffer fish.

Underwater friends in Agakauitai

Underwater friends in Agakauitai

Moai on Easter Island

Explorers of Easter Island

After 11 days at sea, we were thrilled to pull into the busy bay of Hanga Roa. We thankfully arrived at this anchorage in the middle of the day.  Normally a quiet location, but when we arrived, there was a container ship making its monthly delivery of supplies and the National Geographic Cruise Ship.  These two vessels were anchored next to 10 other sailboats.  Who knew Easter Island would be so busy?  We were in good company.  We dropped the hook in 20 meters of water (yep, super deep), let out all of our new stainless-steel chain and attached the bridle at 90 meters.

This is a pretty exposed anchorage.  On top of that, the entrance to shore is through the breakwater which has large, threatening, crashing waves.  It is very intimidating!  We watched a few pangas make the run before we decided to brave it ourselves.  Counting, 1, 2, 3, zip in.

Hangoa Roa at Easter Island

Hangoa Roa at Easter Island

Once inside the breakwater, you have to navigate around dangling lines, pangas, and other small watercraft.  All boats use painters (lines at the bow of the boat) and stern ties.  It took us awhile to figure out how to secure Sweetie.  Our visas expire soon so we don’t have much time to play.  We arrived in Chile on 1 January and spent the better part of 2 months sailing down the coast to Valdivia.  We knew it would take us a few weeks to get Easter Island (which is also Chilean) so we had hustle.  This only left with 4.5 days to explore this fascinating island.

Hanga Roa Dingy Access

Hanga Roa Dingy Access


Once ashore you are immediately greeted by several MOAI!  I think I took photos of every single one I passed.  I was enthralled and in awe!  We checked in with the Armada, found the petrol station, got a new SIM card, and began exploring.

Entering Hanga Roa

Entering Hanga Roa

Everything seems so much more vibrant on Easter island.  The greens are greener and the blues are bluer.  It takes your breath away just walking among these statues carved out of volcanic rock.

Carved Volcanic Rock Statues

Carved Volcanic Rock Statues

This beautiful MOAI was carved on both sides (front and back) in an intricate design that surprises you as walk around him.

MOAI with designs on front and back

MOAI with designs on front and back

Beyond the Coast Adventures

We walked around the coast, exploring on our own.  We scheduled a tour for Saturday, but it didn’t cover the entire island.  So, we decided to check out the sights not listed as part of our tour.  The only problem is that we don’t have anyone to explain the stories of the MOAI and many don’t have signs.  But they were all beautiful to behold.  A lot of the MOAI are near large bodies of water and along the coast.

Enjoying an inspiring moment

Enjoying an inspiring moment

We came across a circle of carved statues in the middle of a grassy park.  We do not know the name or historical value of this beautiful little reflecting area, but we admired it none the less.

Prayer Area

Prayer Area

As we continued down the coast, we found the “old cemetery.”  The most amazing thing about this cemetery is that they actually grow plants, grass and flowers on top of the graves. It looked like a giant garden.  They have a “newer” cemetery on the other side of the island.

Cemetery with live gardens

Cemetery with live gardens

We found a large grouping of MOAI at Tahai.  They had several MOAI with hats and a few without.  They also had 6-MOAI together depicting their respective leaders.

Tahai Moai

Tahai Moai

Just off the main road is their local church which rang its bells on the hour.  We also enjoyed browsing the mercardo artesenal, and had lunch at a local eatery overlooking Tahai.