Category Archives: Daily Lime

Provisions for the Remote Islands

We prepare to live in very remote, isolated islands with very little access to modern grocery stores.  It requires a lot of planning, shopping, organization, and storage.  This blog outlines our process to prepare the boat for the provisions.

We have a 7-page excel spreadsheet with our “normal” provisions.  It includes everything we use on a daily basis like spices, cheese, pastas, cleaning agents, beauty, oils, sauces, etc…It takes me 2 days to go through our inventory and check it against our current stock, then notate it on the spreadsheet to determine what is needed.  I pull everything out of the cabinets, pantries, and drawers to check expiration dates, quality, and stock.

Once I have my list I show it to Matt, the chef to ensure he is happy with the new shopping list.  And off we go.

Big Box Stores

We are lucky enough to have one Costco in New Zealand.  The problem is that it is located in Auckland.  So, we borrow our friend’s car and make a big run to the “city.” Strangely enough, NZ Costco does not accept US Costco members so we have to join the NZ Costco.  While we are there, we also stop at Martha’s Backyard which has a lot of American items.  We also swing by the Dive Doctor to get compressor oil, and a few other stops.

We come back to empty the car and head back out again to Pak N Save.  This will be the first of many stops to the grocery store.  But since we have a car, we decide to get the heavy items (canned goods, water bottles, etc…)

Can you tell I love to bake?  We have (3) 5lb bags of flour (to go with the 15lbs we already have on the boat), 6lbs of white sugar, 6lbs of brown sugar, tons of granola bars, and 12 bags of baking chips (to go with the 4lbs onboard).

We purchased a lot of meats at Costco.  This requires us to unwrap each package and vacu-seal the meat.  Vacu-sealing the meat helps the meat last longer, prevents freezer burn, and helps us store the meat more efficiently.  But it does take a lot of effort.

While Matt is vacu-sealing the meat, I am marking each can with its ingredients, pealing off the labels, and wrapping the bottom of the can with painters tape.  We remove the labels because “weebles/bugs” like to hide in the glue.  We tape the bottom of the can as it prevents them from rusting.  It is all a process.

Matt re-packed 48 chicken boobs, 12 packs of bacon, and 6 packs of pork shoulder (future pulled port).  We later went back and got several racks of ribs, and meat and veggie patties.

More Provisions

We ordered our beer from Countdown (Woolworth) because they deliver.  I spoke to the super helpful liquor manager and he was able to procure Matt’s beer (never stored cold).  I then ordered our Allan Scot Rose and my Malibu pre-mixed drinks from and they delivered.  Much easier for us.  This should last us awhile!

And two more large provision runs…

Our blog posts run 10-12 weeks behind live events.  This blog post occurred in Mid-May.  We complete the final touches on Sugar Shack just before we splash.

Stock Cars and a Little Bit of Rough Housing

Whangarei Saloon and Stock Car Club races every fortnight right across from the Norsand Boatyard.  Matt and I used to love watching the stock cars, speed boats, and other race car races when we lived in America so we could not resist making a trip out to Whangarei Speedway.

The stock cars, Northland Mini champs and Club Champs were scheduled to race.  The drivers ages ranged from 12 to 75 and there was a little bit of rough housing going on the muddy track. 

The stands were single rows of chairs located on 3 different levels above the track.  We scored seats on the lower level close to the start/finish line.

We had a great group come out to play with us:  Kara and Ollie (and his 2 crew: Kelsie and Owen), Sharron, Mirko, and Daniela.  

The “Cars”

There were a variety of cars racing, not just stock cars.  Some looked like they could barely run and others were transported in special enclosed trailers.

These cars were great fun to watch as they had a metal bar surrounding the car (not the beautiful yellow one) that allowed them to safely collide with each other.  The fancy yellow one had some money invested into the sport.  He was really fast and took the corners beautifully.  His front tires would always point to where he wanted to go while the rest of the car went wonky across the muddy apex.

These beautiful oldies but goodies came out to race and put on a good show.  Matt loved the confederate flag on the roof of the one car!  #5 was in it for the win.

And finally the stock cars came out.  The #8 corvette smoked everyone.  It was really fast and the driver took the corners exceptionally well.  #8 and #21 won their perspective races.

Stock Cars

Stock Cars

Of course I had to go down to the pits to see the cars up close.  As I neared the super fast corvette with a 409 engine I smiled at the driver and asked to sit inside!  It was super low to the ground and very warm!

It was a super fun day with friends.

Our blog posts typically run 8-10 weeks behind actual live events.  However, I switched this one up as I needed more time to complete a few other blogs.  We attended the races at the end of April.  Did you see what Matt did while I was back in the states – check out our last blog post.

Arrived ..

Anchor is down… breakfast before bed.

Anchor beer.

Blowing snot and big waves for the past 6+ hours. When your 23 knot high wind alarm goes off and you reset it to 30, and it still,goes off. The original 23 alarm seems so benign.
