Category Archives: Daily Lime

Why is it called Mystery Island?

Mystery Island has the coolest name and creates such intrigue.  Rarely visited except by the few cruise ships that have Vanuatu on their itinerary.  This little island, Inyeug, aka Mystery Island, is barely 1km long and 200 meters wise.  It can be walked, slowly, in an hour.

An uninhabited sandy islet surrounded by coral reefs lies to the very south of the Vanuatu island chain and is known as Mystery Island.  The island’s real name is Inyeug, so, why is Mystery Island called Mystery Island?  Well there are a few tales of this little island got its name.

  1. The Queen

According to some locals, the island used to be referred to as Inyeug, which means small island. When Queen Elizabeth II visited in 1974, a reporter trying to find out which small island she was visiting got confused. In news headlines, he referred to the island as Mystery Island, and the name stuck.

2. The Cruise Ships

The local people believe that Mystery Island is inhabited after dark by ghosts, so no one wants to stay there after the sun goes down. The indigenous name of the island is Inyeug, but the cruise lines renamed it Mystery Island because tourists sure prefer mystery over haunted islands.

3. WWII Planes

It was formerly used as an Allied forces landing strip during WWII. The “mystery” is said to have derived from the fact that the air strip is impossible to see from the sea and therefore it took some time for the Japanese to determine where all the planes were coming from.

It is believed the Japanese were confused as to where the planes were landing and taking off which is why the island was called Mystery island.

Haunted Island?

It is believed that the island is haunted therefore nobody actually lives there. The traditional owners live on the nearby island but don’t go there after dark as they believe ghosts inhabit the island at night. 

On the days when cruise-ships call into the island, the locals come across from nearby islands of Anaton to spread their warmth, culture, and wares.

We were there during the day when the white beaches and turquoise waters sparkled with the afternoon sunshine.  The locals created a beautifully manicured path around the entire island.  It leads over several beaches, through the center of the island, by the airstrip, and the cruise ship dock.

Assuming they need loads of toilets when 2500-4000 people descend upon this little piece of paradise for 6 hours.  So, they have dozens of small, wooden toilet sheds (some with toilets seats, some just holes in the ground).

There is also a solar farm that powers the large antennae that supplies the neighboring island of Anatom with communication services.  Still sad to see on this beautiful island.

There is a small airstrip that was built by the Allied forces during WWII.  This is still in use today – albeit infrequently and rarely.  Especially since the one local airline is bankrupt.

Servicing the Cruise Ships

The long pier constructed for the cruise ship landing stands out like a sore thumb on the pristine beach.  It then leads to the interior of the island where the Anatom villagers sell their crafts and wares.  It is also where they offer massages, food and beverages, snorkeling and fishing tours, SUP, Kayak, and canoe rentals, hair braiding, and cabanas for rent.

We find the “cabanas” and the Tiki bar on the windward side of the island.  Matt was so sad that the Tiki bar was closed, but then again the entire island was closed.

Of course Matt had to boil me and then offered a passport stamp for $2!.

Our blog posts run 10-12 weeks behind actual live events.  This blog post occurred in early June.  In our last blog post we explore Anatom Island, the neighboring island to Mystery Island.

Welcome to Anatom / Aneityum

Anatom also known as Aneityum is the southern most island in the Vanuatu island chain.  It would be a mostly forgotten island had it not had the luck of being the closest island to Mystery Island, a popular cruise ship stop.

Anatom has about 2,000 inhabitants across the entire 35 mile island.  The main village is called Anelghowhat Village which is where we anchor.   We had originally wanted to clear in at this island but you have to time it with the cruise ship in order to have the officials on island.  They fly in to meet the cruise ship which usually comes in 2x per month during this time of year.

We were unable to time it properly, so we ended up passing by Anatom on our way to Tanna to clear into Vanuatu.

The one local airline went bankrupt so lots of locals are stranded.  We help out Ben, the local principal whose uncle, Jack needed a lift from Tanna back to Anatom.  He was so sweet and quiet.  When we arrived, his family gave us a large basket of fruit!  The upper right photo is a picture Ben took of us sailing out of the bay.

After a week in the rolly anchorage of Port Resolution, we pull up the hook and head back south to explore this rarely visited island.

We had a beautiful sail over with 10-12kts of SE wind, full sails, and a 1m sea.  

Anatom / Aneityum

There are no official roads on Anatom, but there are loads of trails or walk ways that have been cleared.  The locals take bamboo and weave patterns for the side of their houses.  It makes them look so beautiful and unique.  We have never seen this done in any other country.

One thing that became very obvious were the shear number of toilets (little wooden shacks) everywhere.  Maybe each person had their own toilet?  Some had “thrones (aka toilet seats” some were just holes in the ground.

I love their game of bowling with canned goods and a tennis ball.

We were so surprised to see a local using a machine to grind their kava.  This must be for the cruise ship guests as I am sure most of the locals use the traditional hand pounding method.

The middle two photos are of a local classroom and the bottom photo is the local Presbyterian church.

We came across the ruins of the once majestic Presbyterian church that was deemed the largest missionary church in the Southern Hemisphere.  This is where Scottish Presbyterian minister John Geddie helped bring an end to cannibalism (as well as kava and dancing and customary ceremonies).  Now it is just a reminder of what once was.

They actually export pine wood and even have a lumber mill.  This was a huge surprise to us.

We spent several days in this anchorage.  There are lots of beautiful beaches to explore, sweet locals, fun paddling, and oh so much more.

We had some of the most spectacular sunsets over the corner of the island.

And of course this gave us an opportunity to visit Mystery Island.

A Walk to a New Village

Matt and I went with our friend Rena on a walk around the island, across the river to another even more remote village.  The locals we met along the way were so very nice!  One gave us 3 oranges, another gave us pompelmouse and they all greeted us with huge smiles!

There were so many beautiful flowers and their gardens were flourishing!  We came across this little make shift house with the most beautiful nautilus shell I have ever seen.  It was all I could do to walk away and leave it on the beach.  I think it is either a burial or something created to honor someone so we did not disturb it.

The first village we came upon was abandoned.  Most likely because it is too close to the fresh water river and the bay.  It probably floods a lot.

This village was really funny to me.  They had a clear division between the kitchen, living room and bedrooms.  They had a separate area for a shower (middle photo) and a large TV that was clearly not connected to anything as there is no electricity or cable.

We crossed the river where they were doing laundry.  It was a fresh water river and was so refreshing!  The man doing the laundry, yes a man was doing the laundry, took us to his village.  He then proceeded to give us fresh fruit!  So kind and generous.

The Supply Ship

The supply ship comes in 1x per month.  This is the only way the locals can go to and from Port Villa on Efate.  We watched dozens of locals return home and they unloaded lots of stuff including 2 new work boats.

Be complete accident, Matt and I stumbled across Jack’s village which is on the east side of the island.  We just happened to be on a beach walk when some kids came running out.  They disappeared and then a few minutes later Jack came out.  It was so good to see him and meet his family.

The Cruise Ships

Antaom is the closest island to Mystery island which happens to be a somewhat popular cruise ship stop.  They get between 2-4 cruise ships a month during the busy season.  Lucky for us, there were no cruise ships while we were here.

What does that mean?  The locals were easy going, super friendly, and always willing to stop for a chat.

But when the cruise ship is in, most of the locals from our village go over to Mystery Island to cater to the tourists.

Be sure to check in with us as our next blog showcases Mystery Island.

Just to see if you are reading all the way to the bottom to enjoy this beautiful photo.

Our blog posts run 10-12 weeks behind actual live events.  This blog post occurred in early June.  Did you see the Continue reading

Mt. Yasur Explodes During Our Visit

Mt. Yasur is one of the world’s most accessible active volcanos.  We specifically visit Port Resolution on Tanna so we can experience this explosive Volcano.

Mt. Yasur at night from a neighboring village at Sulfur Bay.  Her bright red glow can be seen for miles and miles.

We drove around the bottom of Mt. Yasur a few fays prior to our hike up to the caldera and the landscape was amazing.  The colors were spectacular and stood out amongst the black lava.

At the bottom of the volcano used to be a beautiful lake, but now just a river flows through the valleys.

About Mt. Yasur

This active volcano has been erupting since 1774, if not before.  Its caldera  forms a figure 8 with a right and left crater.  We stood to the right which had 2 very active vents and 2 more somewhat active vents.  The volcano stands 361 meters above sea level on the coast of Sulfur Bay on the island of Tanna.  The crater is said to be 400 meters in diameter.

The glow of the volcano was apparently what attracted Captain James Cook on the first European journey to the island in 1774. Today, the mountain is a sacred area for the John Frum cargo cult. Members of the cult revere John Frum, a deified messenger who foretold the bringing of wealth to the island by American forces, and believe he resides in Mount Yasur with his countrymen.[4] The village of Sulphur Bay, the center of the movement, claims the volcano as part of their territory.

Hiking Mt. Yasur

The 7 of  us (Rena, Chris, Helena from Moana and Stephan and Kersten from Trinity) pile into the Ute to make the 45 minute drive to the volcano.  The entrance is lined with beautiful tikis that appear to be made of lava (top right).  The sun was setting as we arrived.   We did a quick safety course, then drove the remaining 15 minutes to the car park.

At the car park there is a toilet, but I would not be inclined to use it.  In the top left photo you can see the path that we had to walk up to get to the edge of the caldera.

The sun was setting behind the billowing smoke coming from the caldera which made for such a pretty photo.

For the first hour, we were the only ones at the rail, but then a group of 20 people came.  There was plenty of room for all of us.

First, you feel a huge push of wind, then a loud bang, then the fire and smoke.  The push of wind is enough to make you take a step back and gasp.

These two vents were very active and spewed their firey lava countless times while we were there to watch.  I loved the sound of the lava chunks hitting the ground, it was a large kerplunk!

And strangely enough it was not hot. Of course the wind was blowing the other way, but you’d think you could feel the heat from the vents.

Explosions at Night

Then the real fun started when the sun went down and night descended upon us.  Please check out our instagram account (either christine.mitchell4 or sv SugarShack) to see the awesome videos.  These photos are good, but they don’t do it justice.

It was truly a spectacular evening and opportunity to see the most accessible volcano explode.

Our blog posts run 10-12 weeks behind actual live events.  This blog post occurred in early June.  In our last blog post, we visit the world’s largest banyan tree and a village that believes a man lives in Mt. Yasur.