Dance party…….
The dance party lasted all night long. The only thing that cleared those pesky red splotches from my screen was day light. And like any good party that lasts till dawn, a mess was left behind. The waves are no longer nice and organized. They too weren’t sure how to handle all those loud windy kids. I can’t believe what they call it music.
All good, daybreak is here. Still playing a bit of dodge boat with the fishing fleet. 3 of the ships are busy laying out fads dead ahead. probably too soon for me to sneak a sweet fish from their “Fish Attracting Device” as we go by. Doesn’t mean I won’t try.

Max wind gust with driving rain last night 34, went from 5 knots to cooling breeze, to can’t see a damn thing.
Dance parties are always exhausting, but Christine let me sleep a bunch through this one, she knows I don’t like to dance anyway.
Waiting to see how the wind settles down when the sun is up, will set the sails. Looks like it will be a Wednesday morning arrival. Still have 220nm to go which says ether haul butt and make it tomorrow afternoon, or haul a little less butt and have one more night out to make a nice daylight arrival. Being that there is more light winds in the future forecast, I don’t think we’d make the the 150nm we normally average in a day.. so if we give ourselves 2 days at 125, we have room to spare.
All good on board, boat was nicely rinsed off, but since we will be sailing through the garbage left after the dance, I’m sure we’ll get it all nice and salty today.