Category Archives: Boat Details

Sugar Shack Found

Very last pier, very last slip, very long walk from everywhere.

Happily everything checked out, exhaust hoses replaced, transmission seals looked good. Basically everything looks good, of course there is lots to do before we are really ready to bust on out of here.

Friday was a busy day, rented a car to make getting propane easier, except getting propane happens right at the marina, rented the car to make provisioning easier only to later find that there is a dingy dock near the grocery store. So driving on the left with a left handed steering wheel is sure the challenge. Every time I try to change lanes the stupid windshield wipers signal the lane change.

Working on boat projects all day friday, started the engines, fixed the heads – neither were operable, that would have made for an interesting trip, ordered the Propane, sent a load of laundry out, short provision run for beers and some snacks. Put the cushions back in their designated areas, some spring cleaning etc…

And Friday is also the Jump Up, er island party, thats basically a street vendor affair. We split a couple of Roti one veggie and one chicken as we knew we were going to the jump up street fair for dinner and more beers. The Piton and Red Stripe beers were flowing all day.

Showed and all cleaned up we headed to the Jump Up, stopping off at the Marina Bar for a beverage first then one for the Road, the Rum Punch packs a wallop. Its about a 15min walk to Gros Islet where the Jump Up happens, about one Piton long if you will. Getting there Christine had to have the chicken from the same lady we had last time, and found a nice lady who would give us closer to ‘locals’ prices than the rest. One Piton in the store is 2 EC locals get one for 2.5 EC the rest of the outsiders pay the 5EC for a beer, 5 EC is roughly $2 USD, so its all good. Rum punchers can go as high as 18 EC, but with some smooth talking Christine managed to get hers for 5 EC. It was Christine’s night, talked and danced the night away in the streets of St Lucia. Let me just say it was a long stumble home, was definitely a 2 beer walk, of which I only had one, the other hand was guiding Christine. We had planned on picking up some water for the morning’s dehydration that was inevitable, but the store closed by the time we stumbled by.

Good fun times were had by all. Once back at the boat, Christine took a quick nap, and Wayne and I sat on the bow and finished the rest of our beer and a rum drink to end the evening…

Purveyor of all things Rum Punch

Sweet lady makes a mean Rum Punch

Water line lowered – and boat all cleaned up

After days of cleaning, off loading and donating stuff to the St Lucia island locals, Sugar Shack now floats about 2 inches higher in the water.  The growth that gathered on the hulls was 2 inches out of the water when we were done.    Out with the old towels, bed sheets, tupperware that didn’t have lids, some old parts/food that were way beyond the life cycle and Sugar Shack looks like a completely different boat.

Of course there is always more to tweak and change to make her a part of the family but she is well on her way.

On the Hard for Maintenance / Upgrades

What a difference it makes talking to people while you are there. TMS Yacht services is right on the ball getting the repair work we had tried to get scheduled since the sea trial.

The Rudder Swivel bearing is getting replaced so Sugar Shack is on the HARD to make it easier. TMS sent us some pictures of the Sugar Shack on the hard and the details as the bearing is being replaced.

The heater through hulls will also get replaced which should make the heating system operational again. (not that you really need a diesel fired heating system in the tropics, but we do want all systems on the boat working correctly)

Next up after that is to finish the sail bag with the Sugar Shack name, and the interior sea-foam green will be replaced with new AlCantera tan synthetic leather like material. Should tone down that interior quite a bit.

While we were there, we also knocked out all the insurance requirements based on the survey.

  • Replaced the Starboard Starting battery
  • Replaced all the fire extinguishers with fresh ones
  • Added the battery post protective covers
  • Replaced the man overboard light that lights if the boat is upside down, 10years of corrosion and saltwater didn’t do it justice