Category Archives: Boat Details

Plans need to be flexible


Started New Years eve off with a plan to go ashore and visit the gardens and leave the watermaker and generator running while we were away. We the honda wouldn’t stay running and after my choice to ‘sail’ yesterday instead of make water and electricity I stayed behind to see if I could get the clara johnson started.

Within 30mins I had it running after cleaning up a few things, like the air filter that had disintegrated, and adjusting the fuel cap to keep from getting a fuel lock. Sweet, no or so I thought. Now it wasn’t making the 220volts it was supposed to. Take it back apart and investigate. Downloaded manual from the internet, every option said ‘take to honda dealer’, not exactly sure where one of those is, but I took more things apart, jiggled the connections and sprayed corrosionX on anything that looked questionable. Still no joy.

Okay, gotta make water anyway, fired up the Starboard engine, its producing some power but not what I expected to see, tried increasing the throttle and got a little more. So started the port engine too, and the belts over there were squeaking but producing the charge necessary to run the watermaker pretty well so water, started the water making process. And slowly filling the port tanks at about 8 gallons per hour.

Back to the generator, few more tweaks and still not electricity at the 220v plugs but plenty at the 12v, but not really what I was looking for. A couple more college attempts and put things back together and low and behold magic, I just stuck the volt meter in there and there was the 220v coming out. No, I did not turn it off, I just carried it over and plugged it in. Now making electricity and water as intended, only 1.5 hrs behind the rest of the schedule and missing the gardens.

Oh well, at least I like to tinker with these types of things, I think I’ll replace the squeaky belts next.


Morning wood

Couple morning tasks completed or underway.

Table screwed back to gether and expanded for dinning, its has seen better days and will be getting an upgrade soon, mostlikely a fiberglass base and a new teak top.


The steering helm gets a new cover after last years strange cut of leather, but Edson made it right and found a new wider strip to ship to us, so another couple hours of sewing and it’ll be good as new.

The dingy is all pumped up, and we are loving the sun and lack of rain today.


This is the blue water and place we all enjoy.

Splash town

We are going into the water today. 9:30 splash time. Ricky is coming in on his day off to carry the shack to the water. Yippie.

Egbert and Shawn took the engine and sail drive out fixed the part and put it all back together yesterday afternoon. Well into the dark hours but with the flashlights it looked good and shifted into forward and reverse. We also had the seal that keeps the sea water out replaced. So the port side now has a fresh rubber gasket and ring to keep the water out. We will have to do the starboard side at some point.

Off to take a shower.