36 Hours into the passage to the Marshall Islands

Out there just a “Motor boating” … It’s a sure a pleasant passage so far with the exception of the drone of the engine, but without it we would be bobbing around like the last beer in the cooler on a long hot day just waiting for someone to pick you.

The wind has been as expected light and the water glass smooth. The main sail is still up in hopes of the wind returning.

Ghosting along

First day fishing was pretty good, tho it was catch and release day. One healthy skippy jack tuna, not a favorite, was the first to get interested in one of our offerings. Then just as dinner time was approaching the other line took off, its our small reel with a small lure that I have been dreaming of Mahi Mahi. But alas, the reel was almost spooled before slowing. Lots of spectacular splashing way back from the boat. Lo and behold a blue marlin had picked on the pink Mahi 2000 lure. Took a bit, but was able to bring him in and let him swim off to contemplate chasing small pink lures in his future.

Second day was more fishing than catching. The pink Mahi 2000 saw some activity. With the slow boat speed and glassy water I could see the fish bite and release half a dozen or more times but always just shy of the hook.

Slow going, but still going ..

Hopeful that the wind will return, the forecast did change, the ‘blue hole’ that is ahead of us is getting smaller. For the first time in a while there is no real pressure to “get there” other than mental health before going stir crazy.

Cleaned the teak between naps. Saved some for tomorrow, need to save something for tomorrow or polishing the stainless will become the task to keep the stir crazy from setting in.

Christine’s favorite, Pork Chops for dinner. Just like the executivo from Costa Rica, complete with fried plantains. Yes it’s that calm that stove top frying is a possible.

Still over 1000 miles to go. All good on board, nothing to see just many many shades of blue.

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