120 hours into the passage to Marshall Islands

Ohhh .. what’s that sound?

Just the sound of water rushing behind the boat.. The iron sails are getting a much deserved vacation.

The sound is amazing

Raised the mainsail just before dark last night in hopes the wind would fill in. Of course it waited till morning. Was still a bit flukey over night into the wee hours of sunrise.

Stabilized with 8-9 knots which happily pushes us along quite nicely. And the sound is amazing. Just a little U2 on the stereo while the wake tries to catch the boat.

It only took 120+ hours to get going. Sadly the forecast won’t hold this for very long and we’ll be back into the sweltering heat but we’ll take what we can get.

Happy Friday

Passed 1/2 way, 620 miles left its all down hill from here? Or is it..the swell goes down and UP.. and we are heading towards the earths belt that holds the middle in, so will the down actually hill start after the middle section? Guess we’ll find out soon.

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