Long day of slow motoring waiting for the winds to wake up and read the same forecast we do. I think the winds stayed at the party too late and got a late start. Nice lazy day, the seas were down, overcast but the drone of the port engine was all the noises. No wind, no crashing over waves, no splashing on water everywhere. Maybe we should just get a trawler and motor everywhere when there is no wind. I’d bet the forecasts for that would be off as well. 🙂
Wind was supposed to switch to Northwest when it built back up around noon. So being eager to sail, we raised the main sail around 11 with high hopes. The wind started building around 2pm, but from NorthEAST exactly where we are heading. Ugh, we can sail due east or northwest, we sample a little of both and reread the forecast.
A definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. At least I accept my senility and hopeful feeling that something will change.
Now that wind has built from the north we must sail over the wind waves that also built. A very bumpy ride to say the least, and of course it’s now pitch dark outside and I’m eagerly awaiting the moonrise to hopefully see approaching squalls before the radar alarm goes off.
Challenge accepted! Guess we could have stayed on land,but that comes with it’s own challenges too. With any luck, the winds will come from a little more west and let us have guessed right heading notheast with double reefed sails. If not we will end up,in French Polynesia or simply accept the challenge and change the sails to the other side of the boat.