The vaccination process is unique in every country and I thought I would share our experience in a third world country living in a remote archipelago during a pandemic. France supplies the pfizer vaccine to French Polynesia (FP) and then FP disseminates it to its population. In general, FP was very lucky in that the infected rate and death rate were relatively low in comparison to other countries. Not to say that there was no tragedy here as there were hundreds of lives lost.
The most infected areas were the most populated areas (naturally), including Tahiti and Mo’orea where more than 75% of the Polynesian population live. As you might recall, Tahiti and Mo’orea are located in the Society Archipelago. We are located in Gambier which is one of the most remote archipelagos within French Polynesia. In order of population and popularity: Society, Marquesas, Tuamotus, Gambier, Australs.
Officially, there are no reported covid-19 cases in Gambier. But then again, there are also no tests here either. We happen to know several locals that have had the virus. Most locals self-quarantine when they experience symptoms and they don’t tell anyone. They don’t want to be the one to bring it here to the archipelago.
The first vaccine made its way to French Polynesia in mid-January 2021. Five pop-up clinics opened up in Tahiti and Mo’orea allowing the population to more easily access the vaccine. By mid-March, the FP government opened up vaccines to all residents over the age of 18. And it included tourists with long-stay visas. However, this was not the case in the outer islands.
The Outer Islands
The “outer islands” consist of any island outside of the Society Archipelago. The process and availability are severely restricted once you leave Tahiti.
Nuku Hiva in the Marquesas was the first outer island to receive the vaccine. They immediately put out a decree that the it would only be available to residents. Fakarava, Hao, and Amanu in the Tuamotus issued a similar notice. Not that we are surprised as it only makes sense to care for the local population first. But the hope was that cruisers with long-stay visas would be eligible after the local population was inoculated. Not the case in the Marquesas or Tuamotus. Cruisers in these two archipelagos are forced to travel hundreds, if not a thousand miles back to Tahiti to get the jab.
In Gambier, the situation was a little different. There are approximately 1400 residents in the Gambier archipelago. Most, like 98% live in Mangareva. Of the 1400 residents, 300 are children and another 300 are young adults living in Tahiti going to school. That leaves about 800 residents that are eligible. Of those 800, 100 signed up on the priority list as being high risk (either due to age or health).
The vials arrive by plane on the one flight per week. The clinic is already closed by the time the plane arrives, unloads, and delivers the package of vials. The medical professionals then have 3 days to administer the vaccine.
The first vial arrived by plane on Tuesday 23 March. We had hoped they sent 48 vials which would be enough to inoculate 300 people. There are about 6 doses per vial. However, Gambier only received 8 vials. 8 times 6 is enough to inoculate 48 people. Really?
Are We Eligible?
The doctor and 2 nurses were more than willing to inoculate the cruisers (with long-stay visas). However, they had to first give the vaccine to the 100 residents on the list, then the medical staff, teachers, and police. This would take 3-4 weeks based on the receipt of 8 vials per week. Then cruisers would be eligible. However, we learned on 31 March, that they would first have to circle back and give the 2nd shot to those who were eligible – thus another 3-4 weeks. Putting us eligible to receive the first shot in late April/early May. Then we would have to wait 3 weeks for the 2nd shot. We had not planned on staying in Gambier that long. But the other alternative is to wait until we get to Tahiti in July to get both shots. The dilemma….
FP remained closed until mid-May. They require the vaccine in order to re-enter the country which means I would be required to get the vaccine if I wanted to return to the states in July. It has been nearly 2 years since I’ve been back and I am anxious to see my family, friends, and physicians.
The Government is talking about requiring the vaccine in order to re-enter the country. Smart move in my opinion. However, it means I would be required to get the vaccine if I wanted to return to the states in July. I am anxious to see my family, friends, and physicians as it has been nearly 2 years since I’ve been back.
We Get the Call
Lucky for us we have many modes of communication. We have internet-based tools such as WhatsApp, email, FB messenger, GoogleFI, and Skype. Then there are non-internet-based tools such as our IridiumGo (satellite) email and text. And then there is our VHF radio (reach is 25 miles) and the SSB radio (reach is thousands of miles). And just for fun, we also have a local SIM card with a local number that “sometimes” allows us to make local calls and texts. Phew, seems like we should be constantly connected, right? Ha!
We gave the local clinic our local phone number to call or text (local SIM) when they have a spot available for our shots. We also gave them my WhatsApp number (internet based) as our local SIM card seems to work randomly and periodically. They did not seem to want any other form of outreach.
Matt and I went to the clinic the day we had decided to leave the main village anchorage. We asked when we might be eligible and they said in 2 weeks. That’s great, we said we will check in the following week and to call us if anything changes. We were with 4 other cruisers our same age. All six of us were leaving the anchorage.
The following night we get hailed on the SSB Poly Mag net. Apparently, the clinic had contacted Titoan, a local, who emailed a boat Pakea Tea (one of the 6 cruisers) and told them that all of us have an appointment in 4 days! Pakea Tea was asked to contact all of us to let us know! Evidently, the clinic could not reach anyone on phone, text, or WhatsApp. Why? Because the tower is down. Of course, it is! But we got the message and will be there with bells on!
First Jab
The clinic scheduled 10 of us at the same time on the same day. Lucky for us we showed up 30 minutes early and were first in line. You can tell we are all comfortable with each other (lack of masks). When you enter the clinic, you wear a mask.

Waiting for our vaccine
The process for the first shot:
- Meet with health administers. They verify your identity, take your weight, blood pressure, temperature, heart rate. Wait outside.
- Meet with the doctor. He verifies allergies, medications, and overall health. Listens to your heart. Wait outside.
- Nurse completes your medical card, cleans area, and jabs you. Wait outside.

Clinic in Mangareva, Gambier
The regular clinic is under repair so all of the clinical professionals are operating out of a make-shift clinic/building which does not have as much interior space so there is a lot happening outside.
We receive our shots in the back on a folding chair by one of the two nurses. Yes, he is in flip flops and NOT wearing a mask. But he was lovely and gentle.

We did not have any side effects besides a sore arm for a few days. Not sore enough where we could not move it, but sore enough to let us know we had the shot.
We had hoped the 2nd jab would be exactly 3 weeks later, which would be 3 May. However, the shots will return to a once a week delivery (on the 1 plane per week) which arrives on Tuesdays. So, are next appointment being 5 May which happens to be Matt’s birthday. We had hoped to celebrate his birthday for the 3rd year in a row on Taravai, but we will have to adjust it this year.
We had planned out our birthday celebrations and goodbye’s around our shot. Our plan was to be in Taravai, then head to Rikitea to get the shot, then back to Taravai before we left Gambier. However, that all changed on 3 May. A fellow cruiser, who got their shot when we did, received a call from the clinic telling him that we all needed to come in on the 4th of May instead of the 5th of May. Well, it’s a good thing we were anchored near them to get the message.
We quickly changed all of our plans and headed back over to the main village. We ran into the nurse as Matt and I pulled up to the dinghy dock. He was picking up the vaccines that just came in on the plane. So, we helped him load them up, hopped in his car and got a ride to the clinic.
Yep, I was feeling pretty good as I carried in the vaccines while the other cruisers were waiting.
The 2nd shot was not as “organized” as the first, but we were in and out within an hour. They asked us a series of questions, sanitized our arm, jabbed us and off we went. Easy peazy.
They signed our health passport too.

Our arms did not hurt nearly as bad as the first time. But I had a really sore back. A few advil and all was good in the morning.
Events from this blog post occurred during April-May 2021. Our blog posts run 8 weeks behind our adventures.
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