We had Wayne for one more day and decided to learn a little more about the history of Galapagos. In order to do that, we had to find the Centro de Intrepretacioin Ambiental. The Interpretation Center walks you through the history of Galapagos islands. You can also learn about the animals, flora, fauna, and the local population. Five buildings share the origins of the islands, the Charles Darwin Foundation, and the hope for the future.

Interpretation Center
On our adventure, Matt happened to wear a “Freebirds” T-Shirt. I only mention this because he never does cotton shirts. He normally wears quick dry shirts because cotton is horrible in the heat. But, on this day he wore it and we happened to come across a small eatery called “Freebirds.” What are the odds? Wayne admired Charles Darwin, I kicked up my heels with a blue footed boobie and took a nap on a sunbathing turtle.

Playing the Tourist
After Wayne left, Matt and found the meat market. To our surprise it was home to several begging sea wolves, seagulls, and marine iguanas.

Meat Market for All
The Galapagos have a strong recycling program in force. In addition, they are diligent about keeping their islands clean. One entrepreneurial local educate visitors and residents about the dangers of cigarette butts. He spent well over 25 years creating these displays out of cigarette butts – as if the habit is not disgusting enough…

Display of Cigarette butts