Realtime Passage to Chile #06

Happy Friday Y’all.
Been another good day at sea. Everyone got long naps and rested well. A comfortable course, enough boat speed to be moving the right direction and a course that didn’t bounce over the waves. Peaceful day.
Breakfast was a hearty American bacon/potatoes and eggs. Which is probably why all the naps were taken. The temperature is dropping, Christine saw 65 degrees F on her night watch. During the day when the sun is out, is still shorts and t-shirt as long as there is some protection from the wind. Sitting in the shade and wind is a bit on the crisp side.
If the weather holds on as predicted, on Saturday we will be taking the left turn and head directly to Antofagasta, Chile and the miles to destination should start dropping much faster than our current disheartening rate. We have traveled over 1200 miles since leaving the Galapagos, but only made 500 miles closer to the destination. Its like all the one way streets go the wrong direction, or you get on the freeway and have to drive to the next town to find a U-turn – it works but its out of your way.
Started with 1765 miles till the destination, 1200 miles to go if only we were a crow.
At 12/21/2018 @ 6:55 AM Our position: 16°07.36’S, 090°10.94’W Traveling 5.7 heading 203T
Google says we are here,-90.18233

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