The yard at Marina Pez Vela is really nice. However, as with most things that sit outside for an extended period of time, the boat gets really, really dirty. So, in between managing our insurance claim, we have been busy working on lots boat chores.

Marina Pez Vela
Everything had to be removed from under our settees to enable the workers access to our house batteries, inverter/charger, COIs, and switches. So, all of those items were moved to our master head. In addition, the beds had to be opened up to get to the carts and bilge pumps, and cabinets had to be emptied to get to the fridge and freezer pumps. All of that “stuff” plus our settee cushions that are normally stowed are now stuffed in other places.
It’s heartbreaking to see your home in such disarray. So, we do what we can to keep it clean and organized as much as possible.
Before and After Photos
The salon photo below was taken “before” we put some nice artwork up behind the settees, but you get the general idea of how clean we keep our boat on a daily basis. The bottom photo has all cushions removed, and our two sails (main and jib) in the salon.

Salon before and after photos
The master cabin before photo was again taken before we put up our beautiful artwork. The after shot has the bed folded up for easy access to equipment underneath.

Master cabin before and after
I love our starboard master head because it is roomy, white, and breezy. Sometimes it is the coolest place inside the boat. We keep it spotless because that is just how we are, but now it is stacked with stuff.

Master Head (Bathroom) before and after
The port aft cabin is a office / cabin. Typically we use this room as our “work room” so we may have some tools and our sewing projects out if we don’t have guests. Now it is a bit of a disaster with stuff coming out of all areas.

Office / Cabin Before and After
The port forward cabin is full of our salon settee cushions

Port Forward Cabin After
A few of the boat projects we have completed while on the hard….waiting. Most of these chores or projects have been done two or three times due to the mold and constant mess from various workers.
All this work, on top of managing the insurance claim, three vendors, large budget, shipment of parts, visa renewals, extended cruising permit, Galapagos permit, and long stay visa for French Polynesia – good thing I’m a project manager.
Interior Chores:
- Wiped down all surfaces to remove dirt, dust, mold
- Cleaned all interior wood work and apply Howard Feed & Wax BeesWax
- Removed mold with bleach and apply Concrobium Mold Control
- Aired out all closets, cupboards, drawers
- Removed silicone from ceiling panels and ceiling (access solar cables)
- Cleaned and wipe down all bilges
- Cleaned all areas of debris after workers left, daily
Mold grows within weeks of being clean as it rains every day here creating a great breeding environment. So, you have to stay on top of it.
Exterior Chores:
- Scrubbed teak hatches, sugar scoops, and swim ladder steps. Then apply Star brite Teak Oil.
- Restored all stainless steel by cleaning with ospho
- Removed and replaced silicone around front & back bimini rails and around bimini port, back, starboard wood accents.
- Cleaned up both props using muradic acid (smelly job) see photo below

Cleaning props with muradic acid
- Scrub both sides of all three sunshades that were covered in dirt and muck after a few months on the hard in the yard. Had to do this twice due to the excessive dirt.

Chores: Cleaning the Sunshades
Scrubbed, sanded, and applied Star Brite Teak Oil on all exterior wood accents.

Wood accents chores
The bottom of the dinghy is always a challenge to clean. Most cruisers will take her to a beach, flip her over and clean with sand and soapy water. However, our outboard is so big and heavy that we cannot taker it off/on easily, so we cannot flip “Sweetie” over.
With the boat on the hard and the outboard on the stanchion, we could easily flip her over so I could clean her bottom. This was not nearly as bad as many other dinghies we’ve seen, but this was bad for “Sweetie.” Using a lot of elbow grease, soapy water, scrub brush and “On Off” on the fiberglass hull she came clean after 6 hours of hard labor.

Sweetie’s Bottom job
We left our helm seat cushions out for a comfortable place to sit and within a few weeks we had mold. It rains here every day, for hours. So, they had to be scrubbed clean before being stowed inside. No more cushions outside.

Helm cushions moldy from rain.
Matt has been extremely busy as well.
- Cleaning both engine rooms
- Re-welded Starboard engine mount that holds alternator
- Repaired leak in dinghy pontoon using Inland Marine’s Sealant Kit
- Removed several ceiling panels to access solar panel wiring
- Replaced big and small zincs on both props
- Scrubbed down the topsides (over and over and over again)
- Cleaned and lubed both props
- Used ospho on stainless on the mast (since it is down and easy to reach and clean)
- Cleaned out all storage areas.
- Repaired two drain fittings that were leaking
Check out these clean props, freshly lubed and sporting new small and large zincs!

New Zincs on Both Props
We removed our SSB plates to clean them.

Keel Coolers and SSB Plates Maintenance
Since we have been waiting to finish up this claim, we have had 5 months to do chores. Since, I first wrote this post, we have completed more boat chores … at least we will be busy while we wait:
- Created pattern to replace damaged ceiling panel in master state room
- Cleaned and prepped ceiling area for new ceiling panels (three panels in master and 1 panel in office)
- Applied VHB tape to ceiling panels and put them back up (4 months later)
- Sewing projects: repaired wench covers, dinghy fuel tank cover, sail bag, hat.
- Sewing project: created new sunbrella cockpit covers to keep the rain out
- Cleaned wench handle holders
- Repeated all projects above for Christine on Interior and Exterior before launch
New Boat Cards and Stickers
On the plus side, we did manage to create new boat cards and stickers. We often trade boat cards with other cruisers so we can stay in touch as we travel. These are much cleaner, with more information, and has a fabulous photo of us.

Sugar Shack Boat Cards
Matt created two designs for our boat stickers. We ended up going with the top graphic with images. Lots of places let you put your sticker up at their establishment which is fun to represent Texas.

Sugar Shack Stickers
Sugar Shack on the Hard in Marina Pez Vela. Her boom lies across her bow, her mast is on the ground behind her and all her sails, rigging, sail bag, spreaders, etc…are down. She desperately needs a new bottom job (even though her current one is less than 18 months young)…the elements will do that to your ablative paint.

Sugar Shack on the Hard MPV
Wow, incredible amount of work. When this project is done she will be amazing and beautiful! Be sure and post the end result, can’t wait. . .