Visits to the States, especially my home town always put a lot of pressure on me as there are so many people I want to see in between all things I have to do. Squeezed into a very short amount of time. I only have 2.5 days to get everything done and its not enough time!
After I arrived in Austin, I met Sharon Popp at Hula Hut for happy hour. She drove all the way from Houston (3 hour drive one-way) to meet with me. Which makes me incredibly honored. But I am disappointed that we didn’t get a photo. We were too involved in catching up to whip out the phones.
Afterwards, I met my friend Michelle so we could pick up Jamie who was flying in from Arizona for a short visit during my stay. We took advantage of some quiet time and enjoyed a fabulous dinner at Bartlet’s. Again, forgot to whip out the camera. Its been years since the three of us have been together, so there was a lot of catching up to do.
The next day, I met the renter of our house, visited with my neighbor, and saw my oncologist. Dr. Patt at Texas Oncology gave me great news: labs showed me to be “perfectly average”. In fact, she was so happy with me that she changed my appointments to annually.
That night, Heather Newbby planned a happy hour where I was able to see a large group of friends at one time. Thank you everyone for showing up!
Image: Jamie, Missy, Heather, Michael, Michelle, Aimee, Kim, Selma, Oscar

Austin Friends
The next day, more errands and had a fabulous lunch with my sweet friend Diana at Nordstrom Cafe. I was hankering for their tasty saladsand it did not disappoint! Then our really good friends, Shawn and Sharon drove in from San Antonio (over 90-minute one way drive) to have dinner with me at Maudie’s.
Managed to run all my errands too:
- Pharmacy
- Market
- PO Box
- FedEx
- Norstrom
- Sephora
- LuLu Lemon
- Walgreens
- Bank
Quick 2 weeks in and out of the States, but managed to get everything done that I came for – blessings.