Matt and I had not been to the dentist in almost 2 years. We saw dental offices in Bonaire, Curacao, Columbia, and Panama, but we just never made it to the dentist. A friend of ours from the Marina recommended a local dentist who spoke English – Dr. Alberto Gonzalez Chacon with Costa Rica Dental Tourism.
We did what all Costa Rican’s do, we sent a message on WhatsApp and scheduled our appointments. Love that everyone here is so technologically advanced. Two days later, we walk into his office and are greeted by Dr. Alberto himself (yep, we are first name basis). A super friendly, easy going professional.
The waiting area has a large comfortable leather couch, pretty artwork, strong AC, and a huge window.

Costa Rica Dental Tourism Waiting Room
I went first since I knew I would be the “easy one”. With no cavities or fillings, it would be a simple cleaning. He walked me to the back room and it was really modern. More so than my dentist back in Texas. All the bells and whistles.

Costa Rica Dental Tourism Dental Office
He walked me through his process, then started with a light numbing spray before he proceeded with an ultrasonic deep teeth cleaning. Now, when I made the appointment, I did not know what an ultrasonic deep teeth cleaning even was – but now I am sold.
The ultrasonic waves actually crush the hard, calcified tartar deposits, which allows them to be removed from the teeth. Ultrasonic cleaning also results in shock waves or tiny vibrations that help kill bacteria by disrupting their cellular processes. It is a much preferred process over scraping, takes less time to perform, and you can go twice as long in between visits.
Dr. Alberto informed me of my receding gum situation which I knew about from previous dental visits. I evidently brush my teeth with all my might and have eroded my gums. Sound like fun? I switched to a super soft child’s toothbrush and use the 2 finger rule when brushing several years ago. According to my Texas dentist, the receding gums have not gotten worse, but there is no chance for them to get better without surgery.
My dentist warmed me to be gentle or I would have to get a gum graft where they take tissue from the roof of my mouth to put on my gums. It is painful, expensive and sounds horrible. Dr. Alberto told me about another option. I can have caps or crowns put on to cover the exposed gum area. But, either way, I am 10 years away from having to make a decision if I keep up the good dental hygiene.
30-minutes later, it was Matt’s turn. He had a slight cavity and a possible hole in one of his crowns. Eek gads.
Dr. Alberto quickly filled his cavity (it was a small one) and told him that he didn’t need to do anything about the crown. Evidently, the top part of the crown (the cosmetic white part) has a hole, but the metal underneath is perfect and protecting the tooth.
He could have easily added more work for both of us, but instead, he informed us of our options and provided recommendations for future better health care. I love that he treated us fairly and did not take us for a ride. Can you tell what state of mind I am in if I think everyone is taking advantage of us (think boat insurance company).
It was $60 per cleaning and $60 for the cavity – paid by plastic and were on our merry way with sparkly smooth teeth.
Thank you, Dr. Alberto!

Dr. Alberto Gonzalez Chacon
In case you are ever in Costa Rica and need a good dentist, be sure to visit Dr. Alberto Gonzalez Chacon at Costa Rica Dental Toursim – or you can visit him on his Facebook page.

Costa Rica Dental Tourism Contact Info