Someone might have been cut off in first class on the way here, but if I don’t remember it does it really count?
Up early listening to the waves breaking on the beach. The rest of the crew still sleeping. Wrong light switch. Accidentally woke em up but easily back to sleep. 2 hours later and its time for breakfast. La Sagess made us an excellent meal and then shuttled us over to the boat yard where the Shack was waiting to be loved on and adored.
Sugar Shack was nicely clean and the fresh cockpit table is awesome. Needs a small hole drilled in the base to let water swap out but very happy with the work that was done.
Big work day between the beers. 10 hours of labor and the shack is about ready to go in the water. Hopefully tomorrow.
- main sail up
- dingy engine mounted and fired up
- interior washed
- exterior washed
- anchor reloaded
- beers consumed
- lunch skipped
- wifi raised
All in all a long slow productive day. Now to find out about what time. They will splash us in the water to coordinate a provisions run.

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