A wonderful lazy morning checking email, doing some small projects and cleaning up. We partook in some fabulous omelets before heading ashore around 9a. We needed to find euro and swing by the market for 2-stroke oil to make dingy fuel. We went to carefore, great market in the islands, and I found a woman who worked there, spoke English and walked me down the street to the bakery to get euro! Yes, she was French! All of the ATM machines don’t work, the bank and post office were closed when we arrived yesterday and very few places take plastic. Some will take visa but all of our European cards are MC. My bank card is visa so that will be scary returning to that bill when we get back. Anyway, the lady was soooo nice. We have so e euro and can start our walk. We are armed with 4.5 liters of water, bug spray and sunblock and head for the largest mountain on the island.
Le Chameau is famous here for its majestic views and 1000′ elevation. It took several hours and many stops to get there but we all did it. Fitbit said it was close to 9000 steps and 112 floors. Of course a squall hit at the top so we waited for it to pass in the fort-super funny! Anyway the way down was much easier and faster but when we got to town it was siesta and Sunday so all was closed Exocet one bar where we saddled up for some r&r! Gorgeous sunset and quiet night on the boat.
What a wonderful adventure. Glad you pulled it together — got hold of necessities to go for it! Is that a fort with slots for guns — how old?
I know you are having a fantastic time. Thinking of you. XOXOX
yes, an amazing fort with cannon and gun turrets. The boys made there about 10 minutes before me and explored. The walls were about 5’5″ in width and would make me feel safe in a hurricane! Views were gorgeous, winds immensely strong up at the top, but worth the hike!