All the excitement

All the exciting things happen after dark

When stern tied there is the yin and yang of it all. The anchor holds us from going backwards and the poor ole palm tree holds us from going forwards. Its all good when there isn’t much wave action or swell. As the action increases so do the sounds of the strain on the line. Till POING something gives. Of course it was at 4:45am. We all spring out of bed to see what’s up.

The line the rolling hitch was made from couldn’t take the load so our stern bridle was a single line. At first I was just going to let it ride and keep an eye on it. I tried that for a bit tried to take in some line so that speeds forward and art would be reduced. In that process watched our stern cleat and some pretty good fiberglass deflections and decided to get the heck out of dodge before it was an expensive repair.

Got wayne and christine up and formulated a plan where I would swim ashore to release the palm tree from it duty and christine would man the boat as Wayne pulled the line and me back to the boat. And then we would retrieve the anchor and bust on out in the darkness.

All went off without a hitch. The only thing was our navigating lights wouldn’t come on so a quickish bulb replacement and the rest of the boats could ow spot us too.

So a much earlier star to this leg and we will miss the boat boy and the provisions he was to bring. We will have to swing. Ack in there and catch him on the down island trip.


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