Monthly Archives: December 2012

Small world and Diamonds

How is it that you can travel across the sea, sail to Union, a small island, of less than 2000 people, walk/hike 2.6 miles to another town, Ashton and meander into a random grocery store, smaller than your average 7-11 or Tiger-mart and hear “Diamonds in the Sky” by Rihanna (my favorite song)? Small world. We arrived to Mustique today only to learn that 90% of the island is closed to us due to the “stars” and “royalty” on shore–really?? Ugh!!! Burgers in paradise and lovely island drinks. During dinner we saw an amazing moonbow! Rain ow at night surrounded by diamonds in the sky!

Photos from past posts

Here are some pics from Christine’s phone that belong to past posts. Wayne’s yummy tuna, Matt showing off his new sailboat(thank you Emily), Matt playing with an island dog, Church at Mayrou island, Matt playing dead with a dog, Christine with Walter (a boat boy who has sold us many items over the years) surprised us wearing a U.T. hat!!! Yes, that is a big bruise, you know me!




