GIANT waves today – I thought they were big before, but I wrong! We have seen some big waves on Ruthless, but these waves sound so different on the catamaran. It sounds as if our boat is rising on the wave and then crashing down on rocks – it is the worse sound in the entire world. Each time the boat hits a wave it rips through my nerves.
Everything is covered in salt and is wet, even though the sun is out and it is warm. It is the first time that I feel comfy in a skort and a jacket, but that is the only thing bringing me comfort. All I can say is “thank goodness” for the drugs my doc gave me as they have prevented me from getting sick – even with today’s rollers (scopolamine Patch or “Transferm Scop Patch” and meclazine an oral medication). Even though the wind is blowing hard, the waves are too big and to give us any boat speed – it takes to darn long to go up the wave and then corkscrew down – we are not making much head way toward our destination. We will certainly miss our flights. I kept my nose in my book attempting to ignore the fact that the boat literally disappears and is swallowed by each wave. During my shift I had to suck it up, swallow my fears and get on the helm. For the first time on this trip, I almost reached for the xanax (anti-anxiety medicine), but stopped short from actually taking it. All I kept thinking was “what happened to a great tail wind, set the spinnaker and never make any sail changes” that is what was promised, what was said on the blogs, what the ARC website and previous people who crossed? It was a long, wet night, but we all made it through.